Mindfulness, mindlessness, even-mindedness...

by nvrgnbk 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa
    *But how can we possibly learn to have peace of mind when the mind is by nature restless, projecting its wants and fears endlessly into the past and the future?*

    Is the mind really restless by nature.......? Isnt it only just a tool we have to use when needed? Like are arms and legs and eyes? Like all tools, we only need to get them out when needed. Think of the brain power we use to think something through, when that is done, we can almost mindlessly, peacefully execute the plan.

    Tolle's book, The Power of Now, explains this beautifully and easily.

    Journey On, ......I had a difficult time first getting into Tolle's book.......Its not a book I could speed read through. Also, after having read it several times.......each time it has a different meaning, its just where ever I am in my journey at the time.



  • GentlyFeral


    I read a book called Active Meditation which says that some people need to meditate while active

    Some library websurfing turns up two books with that title:

    Active Meditation: The Western Tradition, Robert R. Leichtman
    Active Meditations For Contemplative Prayer, Thomas Keating

    Which one did you read?

    gently feral

  • Tara

    The only time my mind is quiet and peaceful is when I am knitting. I find it very soothing and therapeutic.

  • onacruse


    The only time my mind is quiet and peaceful is when I am knitting.

    Yeah, me too.

  • Hortensia

    Robert Leichtman. I got to hear him speak once - quite an interesting person.

  • Hortensia

    yeah, there is something about knitting that is very soothing.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    purps said:

    "Tolle's book, The Power of Now, explains this beautifully and easily.

    Journey On, ......I had a difficult time first getting into Tolle's book.......Its not a book I could speed read through. "

    I don't have as much opportunity as I once had to listen to audio books. There are a handfull that I think truly shine as a listening experience, and "The Power of Now" is one of them, IMO. Get the CDs from your library, or if they don't have it, request it. It is read by the author and I can't imagine getting the same experience from just reading the book.

    My $.02.


  • Maddie

    Welcome back Nate and Happy New Year.

    I find it hard to have a quiet mind and I often refer to it as my "washing machine head". I have trouble going to sleep sometimes because my mind wont stop working, but I too get a relief with music. Music seems to have the effect of shutting thoughts and worries out for me.


  • Satanus

    Anybody who gets 'the power of now', would like his next one 'the new earth' (not by the wt, honest). It's not just more of the same. It's deeper, and harder/faster ;-)


  • jaguarbass

    I spent years of my life making music, recording, playing etc. I knew subconciously I was giving myself therapy. I made it this far 55 years.

    Playing music puts me in the moment.

    A little alcohol helps too. Sometimes. I can do it with or without alcohol. Too much alcohols no good.

    And alcohol all the time is to familiar.

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