The JWD Awards ,Oscars of the JWD world winners !!

by karter 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • karter

    Best overall poster: A round of appulase for MINIMUS.

    Best supporting poster: put your hands togeather for FLIPPER.

    Best researeher: lets here it for BLONDIE.

    Best single post :No clear winner here lots of good posts I think it should go to the person(s) who broke the sex abouse pay outs.

    Best new poster: 2007:stand up and take a bow R.f.

    Thats it for this year folks post hard for next year.

  • momzcrazy

    Hand Clapping


  • kwr

    I demand a recount! ;-)

  • Abandoned

    Woohoo!!! Nice people, all of them.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    All brothers and sisters in the truth.........all the best in 2008 folks, peace and happiness to everyone

  • wanderlustguy


  • flipper

    KARTER- Thanks so much for the nice thoughts of me here. I really appreciate it. I would gladly share the " best supporting poster" with everybody here on JWD- there are a hell of a lot of good posters on this board and nice people too! Why don't you cut the award up into 20,000 pieces and distribute it to everyone here ! All I want to do is help more people break the shackles that chain their freedom and ability to exercise free will by getting out of the cult called - Jehovah's Witnesses. It is what drives me. Peace out, thanks, Mr. Flipper

  • R.F.
    Best new poster: 2007:stand up and take a bow R.f.

    I won an award! Woohoo!!!


    Wheres the Chicken Award?..There always an award for the person with the Best Chicken!..ChickenChickenChicken...................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • orangefatcat

    There are many wonderful posters on JWD and it is difficult to choose the very best as in my opinion everyone deserves an JWD Oscar, However the real winner is the man behind the scenes and that of course is Simon the Man!!!

    With out him there would be no JWD. So my vote is for Simon ....Three cheers for him...

    Yep you are the cats meow.

    From one cool cat to another .

    luv Orangefatcat

    PS And now everyone take a bow as we are all winners ra ra ra!!!!

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