Thanks for your comments. I have translated some of them to the thread on the German board.
German Branch Calls Foreign Congregations to Help German Congregations!
by GermanXJW 13 Replies latest jw friends
German, I checked out the site you mention.
How many members there?
Do any of them (besides you, of course!) speak English? LOL
Oh how I'd love to register there, and learn fluent German (I took some college courses, but am far from conversant).
What would they think of a Merck like me?
There are currently almost 1,500 members on the board. Some speak English. Mineralogist is also active here as is '+'. I think there are some others. Blondie has made some posts on the German board. I am not too fluent in English. For example, I do not have a clue what a Merck is, apart from the pharmaceutical company. ;-)
"Merck" is what a lot of Brits and Canucks and Aussies and Euros affectionately designate us "Americans." LOL
I'll take a shot at posting the very least, some of you can have some good sport with my pathetic attempts at speaking German.