My husband, children and I attended the Killeen Congregation for a couple of years. Any ex dubbs here from that area?
Killeen, TX
by witnesscorn-wife 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Randy and Yvonne Pate. Probably before your time - they would be in late 50's now and were in Killeen around 1970.
I spent time in jail near Killeen, TX. Fort hood. When my first wife left me, I had a small breakdown and went AWOL from the army to go and try to find out what went wrong. She was around 1500 miles away and I drove without permission to talk to her. After she blew me off, I was in a bad state and I ended up at my sister's place in Witchita Falls. She turned me in and they took me to Killeen before flying me back to my unit.
I lived in Kerrville and went to Killeen for District Convention once.
The auditorium was hot and the water was bad is all i remember.
purps -
Had a friend down there. She and her husband built a chouse and I helped a friend marble/paint her bathroom. Can't give you a loast name. Only remember her first.
Locutus of Borg
No, but I was in Killeen for work back in Oct 2001. I had lunch with an engineer from a local research facility at Lubys at about 11:30, left at about 12:30. I was on a plane back to Boston by 2:30. The next morning I heard on the news that at 12:45 a gunmen drove his pickup through the glass doors, opened fire and killed 24 people.
Does that count?
I lived in Copperas Cove in 1957-1959.
Killeen is where my parents joined an evil God-dishonoring cult and caused their childrens' lives to be a living hell.
Fort Hood 1980's That is all I am going to give out.
I live 75 miles S.W. but attend CTC for some classes. I am going to up there 2 days a week starting Jan 8th. Belton of course is our joyous meeting spot for assemblies (yawn..I miss San Antonio). My sister attends a Temple KH
Funny they are only one of 3 who still have a Kmart in
Reminds me I have to get a new parking sticker.
I think that counts. LOL That Luby's was still closed when we lived there. I don't think it will ever open back up.