I know the Mormons go door to door and I have seen some Church of God people occasionally. Who else has organized preaching ministries (door to door, etc.)? I'm in an ongoing dialogue with relatives and this is one of their contentions - that the witnesses must have the truth (despite the many fallacies) because they are the only one that go door to door preaching. So who else does it?
Preaching work - What other religion preaches??
by Black Man 25 Replies latest jw friends
Justitia Themis
Watch the DVD "Jesus Camp." It is about a summer camp for training evangelical children to preach. Going door-to-door is not the only, nor the most effective, means of preaching. The fact that Evangelicals spread their message is documented by their growth...about 70/80 million in the US alone.
I agree with what JT said above. I get a weekly update for a local baptist church (a by-product of asking the pastor to perform a relative's funeral) and there are a number of 'ministries' listed. Nursing home, prison, youth and on and on. I would hesitate to call it organized though. After attending some of the services and talking with some folks its more like people do what the spirit moves them to do.
There's a very good reason that very few religions preach door-to-door... it doesn't work!
The Christadelphians preach, they don't go door-to-door as far as I know, but they use a much more efficient method, the internet.
The only reason Jesus' followers went from house-to-house is because that was the MOST effective method at the time.
This is the 21st century, I spent five minutes typing this post, and hundreds of people will see it. (In fact, at this time, your post Black Man has already been seen 27 times!.)
JW's spend a half hour getting to a return visit, and that one person may or may not be home. Or spend an hour going door-to-door, and only talk to 10 people.
House-to-house preaching is superannuated.
Lore - What.Would.Satan.Do?
That's always been the stink in the outhouse for me, as well. Witnesses may be daffy about the troof, but they are fullfilling one of the signs of the coming of the end of the age, Matthew 24:14. Scary, huh?
My church regularly conducts all sorts of ministries, for awhile I participated in an outreach program that involved calling on people that had either called to ask for information or recently attended a service and filled out a comment card. In other words we were seeking out people that were already interested.
A year or so ago I did some quick math on the annual service report. It takes the witnesses 4000 man hours to make a convert. This is two people working a full time job for a year. And that doesn't take into account the fact that in many countries the only people getting baptized are their own children.
One would think the Lord of All Creation would find a more effective method.
That's always been the stink in the outhouse for me, as well. Witnesses may be daffy about the troof, but they are fullfilling one of the signs of the coming of the end of the age, Matthew 24:14. Scary, huh?
So I guess it's either the mormons or the j-dubs that have it right. Flip a coin and pick a side! Who's got it right? Mormons or j-dubs? Tune in tomorrow to find out! Seriously though, the last few months I have been seeing mormons on a daily basis. I haven't seen that many j-dubs lately. The fact that two cults are achieving a fulfillment written in the bilble proves nothing. If the bible had been lost for all these years and then found after the fact that the j-dubs or mormons had preached their message across the world. Then maybe, just maybe I'd be a bit impressed. Possibly the bible did predict something! But the reality is,, the bible has been out there for a long time and it's not very impressive to see a group follow a command written in the bible and then proclaim: It is US! the wonderful j-dubs that the bible spoke of! It is our organization alone that is fulfilling this prophecy that everyone else could plainly read the previous two thousand years!
good thing i know the bibles a lie, or else i may be scared. lol
A better perspective from which to approach this argument might be what exactly did the authors of the NT mean when they penned the phrase that is translated, "house to house" in the NWT. You might be surprised to learn that the greek term used doesn't have to mean from "house to house" in the sense of the door to door work the WT claims is so vital. Take a look at the Kingdom Interlinear and you'll see that the same term is translated as simply "in private homes" in other scriptures.
So did the first century Christians actually go door to door? Or, did they just preach to people in public places ( like the Temple in Jerusalem or the Areopagus in Athens) as well as their private homes?
Here's just 2 examples.
1. Have you heard of the Jesus Film? Here's from their website http://www.jesusfilm.org/aboutus/index.html
Through use by The JESUS Film Project, and more than 1,500 Christian agencies, this powerful film has had more than 6 billion viewings worldwide since 1979. On top of that, the great majority of those heard the story of Jesus in a language they easily understand.
The site claims that over 200 million have become Christians as a result of this particular kind of "broadcasting" of the gospel.
2. How about Discipling a Whole Nation? (DAWN) www.dawnministries.org
(It even looks like these guys have a ministry of sending newsletters house to house, called house2house! )