Tommorrow's Daily Text - this made me so mad!!!

by breakingfree 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother
  • BluesBrother
    Sure they don't straight out say you must stay with your abusive husband but they set it up by saying we should follow Christ's example of submitting to suffering

    Thats because it what not what they meant. The context of the text discussion was different . They have said this about wives who are victims of phisical abuse.

    * g01 11/8 p. 12 Help for Battered Women ***

    "Should the battered wife leave her husband? The Bible does not treat marital separation lightly. At the same time, it does not oblige a battered wife to stay with a man who jeopardizes her health and perhaps her very life."

  • VoidEater

    I always love jgnat's posts...!

  • lonelysheep
    Similarly Peter indicated that some unbelieving husbands-even those who are abusive-will become Christians after observing the submissive conduct of their wives. We have seen evidence of this happening today. w07 2/15 2:11,12

    It's sad that they do imply to stay with someone who is abusive, yet, they can always say, "we don't condone abuse blah blah blah." That statement does imply to me, "Don't call the cops at the first threat, or when he's punching you in your jaw, or choking you, or ever because he may not join us."

  • orangefatcat

    No wonder the WTS is tumbling down a little more at a time. In this day and age no one is expected to put up with an abusive mate. It is against the law and that is Ceasar's law, so how does the WTS get off on telling people what they have to put up with.

    Anyway they are no better they aren't submissive to Christ either. They have a lot to answer for.

    and yes CCS I agree with your comment.

    Orangefatcat is mad too..

  • dogisgod

    If you reread this daily text "with eyes of discernment" you will see the flip side of the statement. It's really the woman's fault if he is abusive...if only she will be a better Christian wife he eventually will "see the light" and become the perfect JW husband. Just like Adam said, " the Woman YOU gave ME, She gave me the fruit". The bible says Eve was deceived, Adam wasn't, Adam blamed it on God. The text is blaming women for abusive husbands. Cocky-doodle-poo-poo.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    So what makes them think the abusive husband will be any less abusive if he becomes a JW? Oh yeah, they really don't give a hoot about the abuse ... I forgot.

  • breakingfree


    those type of footnotes are there so they can fall back on them to say 'but we didn't say you had to stay with the abusive husband'. Its in the small print, but then there's many, many suggestions that it would be good to stay, not just in print like this daily text, but like others have mentioned there are assembly experiences, talks, etc. For every statement like this, there's many more that suggest the opposite would be the best course of action. It's doublethink at it's best. The way they make the suggestions, but then basically put in a disclaimer every once in a while makes the JW wife think the society is blameless and its her decision to stay. Also it's worth noting most elders will not advise the JW wife to leave an abusive husband, and she may feel that she will lose Jehovah's favour and congregational support if she was to leave... and after all, he promised he would really change this time... and so it all calms down, until the next time...

  • Hortensia

    well, my mother stayed with a dangerously violent alcoholic who tried to kill us all on many occasions because the brothers told her she had to. How do I know? My sisters and I, scared little girls, were at the meeting with the elders when they told my mother that this man was her "head" representing Jehovah. No wonder I hated my father, hate jehovah, and hate the WTBTS. Of course, I know there is no such thing as god; it is just a bogeyman the religion uses to keep people under control. I'd better quit - I'm starting to steam and think of really awful obscenities.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Similarly Peter indicated that some unbelieving husbands-even those who are abusive-will become Christians after observing the submissive conduct of their wives. We have seen evidence of this happening today. w07 2/15 2:11,12

    Evidence of this happening? Yes, everyday women are being murdered by their abusive husbands! Submissive conduct is what gets them killed! Thank you for this post this should make everyone mad! Most people who beat their wives enjoy the thrill of watching their loved shrink down in a submissive corner! so they can just abuse them some more! Did anyone see Oprah Winfrey Show about a women who was beat by her husband and the children filmed it!

    Also, the scriptures the WT applies does not fit the subject!

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