JH posted a thread about how Wikipedia clearly shows how goofy the doctrine of JW's has been in changing over the years. So it makes me wonder could Wikipedia be the driving force in the no "independent" study? I know that my whole family uses Wikipedia often and use it as a respected source when researching things. So I wonder if there is a connection there with JW's accidently seeing things on Wikipedia and the society not being able to change and refute it. Because if you post a "lie" it should be taken down. Thoughts?
JW's and Internet. Wikipedia?
by Burger Time 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Yes I would say wikipedia is pretty safe and neutral turf for witnesses. On the other hand many are so delusional that anything they read that is negative about the organization is obviously slander.....
Wikipedia is indeed one of the many snares of the birdcatcher.
Nope wikipedia isn't safe and that is despite known WBTS insertion, and disruption in the editing groups.
bite me
I remember when this thread came up. Wikipedia became goofy for a bit. I don't rely on wiki for research projects because as we saw anyone can alter it and say what they want. Be careful in your researches with that site or any site for that matter. Use reliable sources and you'll be fine. :0)
could Wikipedia be the driving force in the no "independent" study?
No "independent study" comes from individual Bible studying at headquarters that led to some (including at least one Governing Body member) determining that JW doctrine (such as the Anointed and the 1914 date) was incorrect. This was in the 1970's, well before Wikipedia (or the World Wide Web as we know it) had been invented.
Burger Time
Yes Void I understand that and the history of it. But I know when I was growing up "independent" study was never touched upon. In my personal case the Elders encouraged young ones to use Encyclopedias and libraries. It seems that with the web being so wide spread now you are having such a large influx of this anti personal research. Because of the whole Wiki edits, and yes I was around for that too, it seemed like it could have started the typical JW/bethel chain of events to get to the GB who probably know little about the internet. It seems like Wiki is being used as "safe" research for a lot of JW's that I know. It is honestly the best "snare" if you want to call it that for open minded JW's. This was all I am implying.
Burger Time,
Isn't the internet such a snare for the witnesses? After-all it has the word "NET" in it. And is known as "THE WEB". We were warned about this in OZ about 3 yrs ago at an assembly.
I agree with you. My first research was googling "Jehovah's Witnesses" and reading what the encyclopedia had to say. It presented the Facts without prejudice - just the facts. I read it a few times and it started the ball rolling for me. It seemed ridiculous how doctrine had changed over the years. It's either The Truth or it isn'nt. No middle ground on this one. It cannot be half right.
Then i jumped on this sight and have looked at "Things" differently ever since.
We live in the 21st Century and i'm glad we have so much information available to us. The only thing stopping us is a Dinosaur organisation telling us WHAT and HOW to think.
Homerovah the Almighty
Folks just to let you know as of 30 or 40 years ago the society frowned on independent study of the bible , why do you ask well quite simple they want complete
control of the minds of the people they have lured toward them and to saturate the individuals with their the mental programing .
And they are well aware of the scriptures that make them a bunch of lying corrupt power seekers, so that poses a concern
Remember they are god's only solemn organization on earth as the sales pitch goes and we are the only ones to hand information and understating of the bible
and it's direct meaning toward mankind.
Good commercialization American style is it not ?
Hi Burger:
I definitely agree with you about Wikipedia.
I recall a lot of "you don't need faith to be a Witness, compare all the religions out there and we're the only ones to make sense" talk in the 60's and up to say 1972/3. Then in the mid-70's came the crackdown - no independent research, only use WTS publications, no Bible studies on your own, don't read anything that might stumble you, don't rely on your own understanding [you ignorant hicks]. So from my perspective, the crackdown came at about the time we now see as the great shake up at headquearters.