Happy New Year to all :)
So I'm curious if anyone has further info/dirt on Jaracz or any other GB members (former or current). I know Jaracz was publicly accused of molesting a young girl (now an adult). Also I've read that he is a major policy maker on the policies regarding child abuse reporting, which makes perfect sense. Wondering if there's been any more info that has come out about him since 2002 at the Silenlambs march in NYC. Any other developments with GB members?
Ted Jaracz and/or others?
by feenx 68 Replies latest jw friends
You are correct. I met the lady jaracz molested and heard her entire story. Also there was a case against Sydlik in court in the mid 1990's
for attempting to have sex with a young brother, a situation which caused the young brother to commit suicide. The borg lied to his parents about the cause of death, then when the parents investigated the situation, the borg actually had his body illegally exhumed in order to cover up the truth about the situation. Sydlik got away with it.
I have an email from an eye witness to the court situation that explains everything about the Sydlik case and the corruption perpetrated by the borg in their cover-up.
Can you post the email?
Worf -
You met the woman Jaracz molested? wow. Any new developments? I know on the silentlambs video she says there are two other witnesses, have they come forward? Sydlik huh? He's the only GB member I ever met, when I was a kid. I am very interested in that case. The only things I've ever heard was about Jaracz and the rumor that Leo Greenlees was gay. -
To badboy,
Here is the e-mail, word for word from November 29, 2000:
"Basically, I was a pioneer in New England and a foster mom for two teenagers who were J-Ws but removed because of abuse in their home. It was a difficult position to be in, but I did it coz i was asked to do it by the elders. Their parents were in the same KH. BIG MISTAKE. I thought i would impress the 14 yr old boy with a trip to the Farm to visit a recently assigned brother who I used to babysit for when I lived in GA way back when. I always loved the cemetary coz it is affectionately called "the launching pad"- but it is off the tour, so I asked for it as a favor.we went there with the brother and i was shocked to see a new headstone with a name I recognized(also from those days in GA) and a recent date. I asked about it and was told that the kid died of an anuerysm suddenly. He was 19 and had not been there long. I wrote a sympathy letter to the parents when I got home - saying I saw the grave, blah blah blah.
Well, in about a month or so after I wrote the letter i received a subpoena to appear in court in a lawsuit against WTS by the parents of the boy. I was shocked and tried to get out of it. I was given no choice- I appeared as a hostile witness. I was not allowed to hear other testimony until my turn-so I did not even know why they were suing or what I had to do with it. I was asked by an oriental sister with the Legal Dept at Brooklyn to deny I wrote the letter. I asked why and was not given a reason. I asked her what if I'm charged with perjury? She said WTS could not help me because it would be tampering with a witness. So I told her and others that I had to tell the truth. As it all came out the reason they subpoenaed me was because I said i saw the grave ON A CERTAIN DATE. Apparently, since that time the WTS had exhumed the body and had it creamated to avoid the requested autopsy(by the parents who found out it was a suicide not an anuerysm.) After I testified I found out the details. The kid had been approached by a GB member and propositioned about a homosexual affair. Whether it happened or not I don't know, but the pressure pushed him into a suicide. He left a note that his roommate fortuitously hid until the time when he could get it safely to the parents. The GB member who did this was a personal family friend for many many years and was instrumental in my dedication at age 7. I was crushed. But it got worse. The Gb was never even disciplined, is still a GB even today! And when i got back home after the ordeal the elders demanded I give up the kids (even insisting that I take them to a Police station and drop them off on the Christmas holidays!) I tried to make arrangements for them to be placed somewhere else as per the elder's desires, but after the holidays. I was accused of defiance. I was given the "Jezebel" speech. I was told the parents were finding it so difficult that they were not attending meetings-let me tell you I KNOW why those kids were taken away and if the parents missed meetings it was not because of anything I had done! so i told the elders i would attend a different Hall for the kids sake so no one would be uncomfortable until they could be placed-then I was accused of hall-hopping and causing trouble. It all ended disasterously- the kids were split up and taken away with no visitation with the parents, and I was removed as a pioneer after 15 years of faithful service based on gossip and slander-and of course-my refusal to lie for the WTS. I was accused of being disloyal. What a joke! I was the best J-W they ever had! I was loyal to the death-but to truth and honesty, the things I THOUGHT I was supposed to be loyal to. 6 months later the CO apologised and asked me if I wanted to pioneer again-but it was too late. By then i had started to check out some things on the internet. Finding out they changed the baptismal questions and slipped it past us in 1985 was a biggy for me. I NEVER answered YES to that question. I made my vow to Jehovah, Jesus and Holy Spirit, not the organization. I knew i was not apostate. Reading Ray Franz's book was the last straw . I knew what he said was true- I knew the people he spoke about and I knew the expressions and mannerisms enough to know it was true. I asked my father to read the book and his reply was that he would not read it because he did not want to have to make the decision I was making. I will still dare anyone who has the background to read the book and tell me straight out that it is not true-prove it and i will go back to the KH. No one can do it.
The brother who committed suicide was Jason R.-he died in June of 1995 and i saw the grave at the Farm cemetary in October of 95. The trial was from Nov95-march96 with my involvment being only a couple of days in late Nov. It was Albany NY. The GB member was D.S., a close personal friend and family friend. He never spoke with me nor did I even see him in the courtroom. BUT the allegations of the gay affair were not denied. The case was a lawsuit for desecration of a grave and unauthorized exhumation and creamation of the body. The WTS did it only after the parents asked for an autopsy and the WTS position maintained that it had been done from the beginning and that there was no grave at all.
I heard the parents lost the case but appealed."
That is the story badboy. Keep in mind that the only GB member with the initials D.S. that this could have referred to was Daniel Sydlik.
This another case which proves the wts is corrupt to the core. And you know that every one in their legal dept, service dept, and every gb member knew about this Daniel Sydlik case. So they are all to blame. Let em all burn!
How can the WTS have a body illegally exhumed? Don't the parents have a right here? I was always of the impression that Exhumation is only allowed if foul play is expected. Am I wrong on this matter?
Any comments?
I met the young lady in 2002 during our protest march on wts hq. I'm not sure what has happened with her since then. Someone told me a couple of years ago that she has since passed away. I had been told that she was dealing with health issues. But I'm not sure if she has actually passed away.
To all,
If anyone would like a copy of this story, e-mail me through the board and I will gladly send one to you either by mail or I could scan and e-mail
to your personal e-mail. There are more details as to what the borg did to the sister who testified. But the main point I wanted to emphasize here had to do with this threead on GB dirt.