It is about 30 degrees C outside (and it is 9:39 in the evening here), I am headachy, sweaty and just feeling generally crap. My husband is busy killing gemans in his PS2 game and I am bored.... just thought I would share....
Hot and Bothered
by Princess Daisy Boo 16 Replies latest jw friends
Cold and Relaxed
Warm and alert.
Chillin', spillin', and willin'.
take some Nyquil and go to bed
Or slip in on hubby wearing a bow......... and nothing else.
Im not sure what Hot and bothered means in South Africa
I believe the Nyquil has kicked in.
I don't remember the math for figuring out Celsius to Fahrenheit. 0C is freezing (32F) and 100C is boiling (212F) is all I remember. It's 27F outside here.
Princess Daisy Boo
ohhh Oompa!
Ok... I am now bathed and refreshed and sipping Chai Tea in an attempt to gain some inner calm... not sure if JWD is the right place for that?
BTW, 30 C is about 86 F
Hi Princess,
I am on the next plane out to see you it is freezing here +1c and i hate the cold.
Tell your husband to make you feel better and play with something else!!
Hope you feel better
Regards LLbh.