Ah! Reads like Thirdwitness.
JW Fundies write a "JW Child Abuse" page in Wikipedia
by Gerard 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Burger Time
Ok I changed some of the biased wording and added the fact that the WTS had paid out around 16 million as reported by NBC. I felt it needed to be added as the original poster said no congregation has been found guilty in civil court.
Burger Time
Is it 16 mill or 11?
I would split the article further: Clean and mark their section simply as as "Abuse Policies" and make other sections demonstrating -along with reputable links- the reality of child abuse handling.
Well, I added the reference from the BOE letters PDF that says only wanr new congregations of a child abuser IF he is still under restriction - and NEVER forward Branch office letters they have received.
I love you guys.
Billy the bethlite, and Stillanelder..those arguments were brilliant! I was laughing my ass off and wondering how I missed that...
GERARD- Great thread dude ! This quote just slays me, " Our position is that secular authorities deal with crime, while elders deal with sin". WTF? Uh, excuse me Watchtower but you brain dead morons- pedophilia is a crime and a sin, both ! The only sin is the way the elders have been instructed to handle child molesters and the abuse victims ! Oh, and here's another thought- how in the hell are the secular authorities supposed to handle child abuse in your witness congregations , if you don't report the abuse or crime( same thing) to the secular authorities ? The longer I live on this planet- the deeper it becomes apparent the Watchtower society has absolute $hit for brains. End of my rant
Thanks to all who have started to clean up that article. It begins to resemble reality.
Today I have just been working on an article about JW Child abuse so very timely. I added the following to wikipedia, and also a link to Barbara Andersons CD:
Three year rule
Crucial to legal actions taken against the Watchtower Society has been the “Three Year” rule. This allowed for known paedophiles to continue serving as elders, provided any known offences were committed at least three years prior to confession. The 1972 book Organization for Kingdom-Preaching and Disciple-Making stated:
“If a person was serving as an elder or a ministerial servant when he committed a serious wrong, even though it was some years ago, he bears a degree of reprehensibility, for he continued to serve in that position though knowing that he had, for the time at least, disqualified himself, not being then “free from accusation.” (1 Tim. 3:2, 10; Titus 1:6,7) He should have informed the judicial committee that he did not adhere to the requirements and should have stepped down from his position. In view of his failure to do this at that time, he would now be removed from that position.”
The term “some years ago” was clarified shortly afterwards in the Kingdom Ministry 1972 p.8 as a time period of three years:
“What was meant by “some years ago” on page 170, paragraph two, in the “Organization” book? This indicates more than a year or two. It may be noted that it did not say “many years ago.” So it is not the exact number of years, but more like two or three years. It was not intended to have a brother go back into the distant past to bring up wrongs of which he repented years ago and that have evidently been forgiven by Jehovah and are not practiced now.”
This position was re-confirmed at the 1991 two-day Kingdom Ministry Schools. It was not until the 2005 Kingdom Ministry Schools that it was clearly stated that hidden acts of “porneia” (sexual sins) were to require a judicial committee.