by rache31 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts
    "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the "last days" in 1914, Jesus foretold: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur."Awake!1969 May 22 p.15
  • llbh

    I wasn't supposed to retire now am 51 fortunately i made pension provision may did not

    regards llbh

  • changeling

    I'm a 48 year old grandmother who was not supposed to go to kindergarden.


  • Mary

    Let's see----my grandma was told in the mid 1930s that my mom would never go to high school because Armageddon was so damn close.......Hmmm.......that was 70 years ago now. But let's not have any doubts. Because of course, that's how Satan de Debbil likes to get you: by making you question how reliable the Governing Body is when you see every, single one of their 'prophecies' fail:

    ***w 86 3/15 p. 17 par. 6 Allow No Place for the Devil! ***

    Impatience is another thing looked for by the Devil. We may sometimes feel that changes should be made; we want quick action, immediate answers. ‘This problem must be cleared up now, or I quit. I’ve got to have the answer to this question right now, or I’m not going any further. Armageddon and the new system have been "right around the corner" for years now. I’m tired of waiting.’ Be assured that the Devil is ready to sow seeds of doubt and revolt in such fields of impatience

  • loosie

    Yeah I went to the jw school in Santa Ana Ca. It sucked though. Tehy didn't teach you things that you should have learn like all the US presidents or all the states because that was political and we didn't need to know that because the big A was coming soon,

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Yep , I can be counted in on this club. Born in the sixties was told I would never have to worry about going to High School the end was certainly going to come before that ! Then in the seventies while IN High school I was told not to take the advanced classes for college prep because the end was sooo close . Just learn to cook and clean honey ,sewing will all be good things to know for the New system !

    LOOSIE : When my sister in law was a teenager (1970's) she was sent to live with her grandparents in California . She said she attended an all JW school there too.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Great quotes JWfacts & Mary. Self-righteous, arrogant, false prophets.

  • Gringa

    another great thread!

    Wow! I have compadres!!!! WOOHOO! I left so long ago and never looked backed that I didn't know, or didn'tthink, about all those from my generation!

    Jw schools? I had no idea that they existed. Thank God, they didn't have them in my neighborhood, or than again, maybe things would have be easier for me - whose to say? going to public school was no piece of cake.

  • bert

    I am 60 years old. We shuttered in our shoes when the August 15th 1968 AWAKE came out. "You will never grow old in this system of things." Being mad doesnt help. Being wiser does. I make sure everyone I know is aware of the false prophesies I was lead to believe and the danger of groups like THE WATCHTOWER.

  • flipper

    RACHE 31- Yeah, you, me , and everybody else here too. I'm 48 now and my 3 kids are grown, on their own and I wonder where the time went. I wanted to go to college but raised 3 kids on my self employed janitorial business. So, we live our lives, we find happiness, and move on ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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