Were You Ever Snubbed In The Hall & Didn't Know Why???

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Were you ever treated by the elders, their families and "the friends" in a way that made you feel you were unwanted?

    There's probably nothing worse than realizing that you are not being treated with the same dignity and love as others. Once we come out of the Organization, we expect better but sadly the real world can be cruel too. Hopefully, we can be fair and treat persons the way we want to be treated!

  • hillbilly

    in my case it went from "snubbed" to villified. I liked the snubbed part better.

    Moral..never marry a JW girl trapped in a lesbians mind... especially if you are a hetro male. Long story but one day it will make a good movie. Jim carrey did such a nice job in "23" he should play me.


  • blondie

    Too many times....then when I pursued the cause, found that someone had "lied" to cause division out of jealousy. Trying to clear it up was an agonizing effort. The elders just wanted you to forget it, and it would just happen again. I learned to always pursue it with another reliable person to witness what was said. You learn who your friends are for sure.

  • minimus

    Hillbilly, tough lesson!

    Blondie, when people are jealous of you, they start believing their own lies to justify themselves.

  • Finally-Free

    I was treated very well until I came out of the baptismal pool. After that there was no more reason for them to treat me civilly - they had their Holy Statistic.


  • snowbird

    Yep, one jealous elder's wife who thought her husband was paying too much attention to me, quit speaking. Influenced by her, others began to treat me coldly also. It hurt like the dickens then - now I just laugh about it.

    Sad bunch, those JW's.


  • minimus

    Syl, some people get jealous over the darndest things. Most of THEM are losers.

    FF, you are right. After you're baptized, it's not uncommon to no longer be paid attention to.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    Oh yeah, when I was in one hall one of my friends decided that she was mad at me and turned all of the young ones in the hall against me.

    They treated me like I was disfellowshipped. It went on for quite some time until I had to go to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy

    then she came up the hospital and told me she was sorry and wanted to be friends again. I forgave her, it takes a lot to look someone in the

    face and say sorry.

    But, I don't think the treatment was unusual. It happened at most halls. They have to be one of the meanest and unloving groups of people

    I have ever met. "You will know my disciples by the love they have among themselves" what a crock!

  • snowbird

    Oh yeah, one little heifer decided she didn't like my daughter and proceeded to turn all but one against her.

    I thought my daughter and I just didn't fit in. Now I know it's a systemic problem in all KH's.

    Sad, so sad. So-called worldly people treated us much better.


  • mentalclearness

    The first time I recieved that type of treatment I was 8/9? I had been priviledged to say the morning announcements at school over the speaker. Of course this included the pledge of allegiance. So i read the pledge (as I didn't know the words) without holding my hand to my heart. That made it o.k. in my little girl head. Well, needless to say the other JW kids who went to school with me didn't talk to me. In fact they completely ignored me even at the bus stop that we unfortunately shared. Finally i told my mom, because of course I didn't understand...She went and talked to the family and they ca,e the next day bearing gifts and apologizing.....hmmmmm...since then I used to be snubbed all the time in the hall as an adolescent because I didn't comment much and I hated service, so Basically I was bad association. Which was probably true at the time anyway...

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