MLM schemes @ the hall, i.e Amway, , etc...

by avishai 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse


    The JW Cult and culture is evil, it breeds evil, it foments evil, it cannot help (due to its nature) but produce a lot of evil, period.

    I must take exception.

    Certainly there is, and always will be, a sector of the JWs (and any other religion, for that matter), that "eats its young" (a phrase I first heard, btw, when I was working at a billion-dollar construction company).

    However, in my own admittedly limited experience, that aspect was fairly uncommon at the KH.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    True Farlel so very true...... big time hypocrites

    and exploitive crooks , with big smiles

  • owenfieldreams

    Trimline and Colors on Parade auto dent repair/decalling were big in the '80's and '90's in my area. In nearly all cases I'm familiar with they hired 90% or more of their staff from among the cong members, and most of them eventually went bankrupt.

    Jafra is another one that has surfaced in recent years. They are similar to Avon, and usually you will find that most of their 'beauty and skincare consultants' are pioneer sisters or elderettes...

  • Farkel


    :I must take exception.

    Truly evil people ALWAYS take exception to what I say. That PROVES you are evil, you nitwit moron!

    mods take note: this is cleverly disguised to be a faux attack on that moron onacurse (sic). However it is really presented as harmless fun, since onacruse is such a stupid twit that he wouldn't notice the difference anyway.

    I'm in charge of his thorozine dosage. I know. Trust me.

    Farkel, of the major liars about his friends, Class. (See 3rd Timothy 3:9. If you losers cannot find that book, I have no use for you.)

    Plausabile deniability. I need Mark Garagos.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    What onacruse has said may be true with an explanation that wherever the KH is located in regards to its social economic situation

    The poorer the locality the greater the chance of this activity would probably occur.

    I can remember going to halls in the most richest of areas and halls in the most poorest of areas and I did notice a difference in peoples social behavior

    Funny as it is the last personal encounter with a JWS was a fellow that was involved with off shores money investment schemes , much like a mLm or a pyramid scheme

    I'll let you know I did not take him up on his offer although he sure tried hard , further in the sales pitch it came out that he was to receive a money kick back

    if he could get me signed up.. Apparently a few months latter my brother tells me that his same guy lost $20,000.00 on this scam which he also tried to sell to my brother

    a true JWS idiot !

  • onacruse

    roflmao @ Farkel.

    I can't recall that I've ever been called a nitwit, moron, and stupid twit, all in one post!

    And the name of the medication is Thorazine, you non-spell-checking incompetent idiot dipf***.

  • Junction-Guy

    There are few things that get me more riled up than the JW Cult, MLM schemes are one of them. They are almost cult-like, and they prey upon people who are trying to earn a decent,honest living. They put false hopes in people's heads.

    I went with Amanda to one of those Primerica sales pitches, and almost ended up arguing with the guy. Once I mentioned going home and doing some further research on the internet, he became really incensed. They want you to make some kind of commitment right there on the spot.

  • Farkel


    : I can't recall that I've ever been called a nitwit, moron, and stupid twit, all in one post!

    You can't recall anything. You lost your mind in 1967 in that commune in northwestern Oregon.

    :And the name of the medication is Thorazine, you non-spell-checking incompetent idiot dipf***.

    Yeah. I don't know much about it, and I defer in all reverence to someone (namely YOU) who's been using daily in for thirty years, mostly in an "in patient" environment. Of COURSE you know how to spell it, and I don't. I just learned how to spell "pot" a mere five years ago!

    Farkel, of the totally elitist hypocritcal jerkweed Class

  • onacruse

    <---------disregarding Farkel...except for the "reverence" part: much deserved on my part, and far past overdue for his finally recognizing my supreme and pre-eminent stature in the ex-JW community. Let others beware, lest they suffer the same painful fate that Farkel just experienced.

    Now that I've disposed of that pathetic stinking beetle-ridden carcass...back to topic:


    Around here, there were two congregations that had a "rep" for money: Lake Oswego, and then Tigard. It was almost a given that if you attended the LO cong, then you had, or had access to, money. Tigard was sort of a yuppie thing: lots of young guys, vying to make the bucks, and wanting to get shoulder-to-shoulder with LO. Both got caught up in the MLM thing(s), with disappointing results.

  • Farkel

    Hmmmm. Can't sort through all the logical fallacies here. My brain can only hold so many of them at one time.

    Onaloser said:

    : <---------disregarding Farkel...

    Well, of course, he never does that:

    :except for the "reverence" part: much deserved on my part,

    Fred Hall syndrome. Pat oneself on the shoulder until one wears out one's arm syndrom. Onaloser syndrome. It's all the same thing.

    :and far past overdue for his finally recognizing my supreme


    ...and pre-eminent stature in the ex-JW community.

    Yeah. The only ex dub who was disfellowshiped for the entire history of ex dubs!

    :Let others beware, lest they suffer the same painful fate that Farkel just experienced.

    Fred Hall syndrome again! Speak jibberish and claim victory for it!

    :Now that I've disposed of that pathetic stinking beetle-ridden carcass...

    Redundant, moron. ALL beetle-ridden carcasses are pathetic and stinking. Sort of like your attempts at arguments!

    ..back to topic:

    You wouldn't know what a topic is if it bit you in your tushie!

    Mod alert: Onacruse and I are both liars. We are engaged in a co-conspiracy and the local CO is in on it, too!


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