The dress code that the society imposes on the women has been a thorn in my side ( manner of speaking). Theses old men dictate how a women should dress and I do mean "A Dress". I can remember when I lived in Connecticut and the temp would be in single digits and when it came time for field service you must put on that dress. They did allow you to wear boots. Oh my, how kind of them. It is a pet peeve of mine the way they would dictate such personal things. Yes, we must keep the sister modest. Pants are more modest and comfortable. It will be a loooong time before I ever wear a dress again if ever. Last year when the CO came he made a remark that the sisters are not to wear any spandex tops due to lack of modesty. Are there any other women who feel this way. The magazines would show the men and boys in either pants or shorts playing or hiking but the women were in dresses, pearls and pumps preparing food. The old farts only see women as ones to cook and clean. I have attended halls allover the US and the sisters are always the ones to cook the food for the co, pioneer school, hospility for the speaker. When it is time for your bookstudy to clean the hall the sisters did the bathrooms while the elder supervised.grrrr
jw's view of dress code for women
by megaflower 24 Replies latest jw friends
Crafty Lady
I know what you mean Megaflower. It was one of my pet peeves too.
Most other churches have lightened up on the dress code--even the catholics. You can always spot the fundies because the women are always in skirts. There are some that are worse than the witnesses because the women can never wear pants at all.
I still don't get why us Americans have a taboo about showing breast. Especially those that believe in the Eden account.
It's the skirts only/pants ban that gets me. Utterly ridiculous.
I have attended halls allover the US and the sisters are always the ones to cook the food for the co, pioneer school, hospility for the speaker.
That's coz 'generally' sisters are better at cooking and scrubbing toilets, while brothers are better at saying "Ugh! I don't want to do that icky job" and shuffling papers
Last year when the CO came he made a remark that the sisters are not to wear any spandex tops due to lack of modesty
Did he suggest that brothers wear them instead?
how funny
I like wearing dresses in nice warm weather. Insisting women freeze their arses off in 20 below zero weather instead of dressing sensibly is just par for the JW course, isn't it?
i recall mega pioneer sisters wearing jersye track suit bottoms tucked into thier long boots, covered by long 'ministry' coats.
they never semed to get spoken to about this.
And yes, I'd feel far more comfortable in a trouser suit at any time than wearing a flouncy skirt.
megaflower! Welcome to you!! The old boys in the Tower have decided that all the sisters are subserviant! Didn't you know that? Did you know that the movie"The Stepford Wives" was patterned after the jw women??? It's a FACT, right guys??
All in all, I have long felt that sisters were really put down by the wts, and that consideration should be given to climate and societal norms for the area in which we live. Spandex??? On whose body are we referring? Do you think that us former brothers really enjoyed wearing a suit or a sport coat in 90 degree temps???For crying out loud, we aren't going to a business meeting afterall, are we??? And, tell me this, Is the householder wearing the same apparel as we?? Most of the time we have no clue who will show up wearing WHAT if anything to the door. I once encountered a woman who was barely wearing a smile.
Again megaflower, you are most WELCOME here