nomoreguilt's WIFE has a

by nomoreguilt 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreguilt

    Hello, I am nomoreguilt's non-jw wife. nomoreguilt was a witness for many years when I met him. We have been married for over 4 years and still honeymooning. I was always asking him questions about the jws, and the bible, as I had been raised a catholic and then baptisted a baptist..and he would always give me answers according to JW and not necessarily what I wanted to hear. I believe that you don't need to have a name or title, as to a religion, to be accepted by GOD. I even attended meetings with him for about 6 months while he was trying to get re-instated. I couldn't stand to see how they were treating HIM!!!! Like he didn't exist!! How can they claim to be TRUE christians, and not be loving and forgiving like the bible says??? EVENTUALLY I was able to open his eyes to this CULT he was in and he saw it too, finally, YEA!!!!!So, we were talking over dinner tonight with the evening world news on. More of the same abuse of people by their rulers. My question is this? If there is this JEHOVAH(GOD) then why does he allow such terrible things to happen to innocent people?? I am not saying that I don't believe in God, I always have. I just want to know where he is when all of this is going on in the world.

    nomoreguilt's WIFE

    Thank you


    I'm not sure where or if he is. I just know where he isn't. I'm glad you were able to help your husband open his eyes.


  • Junction-Guy

    I dont think anyone knows the real answer to that. Different religions have different beliefs on why God allows suffering.

    My theory is that we will appreciate heaven more after living a life on such a war torn planet.


  • GoddessRachel

    Hi Wife,

    If you find the answer you are looking for regarding this Jehovah person, please do let us know. I'm sure everyone here would be interested to know.



  • shell69


  • shell69

    Soz, I'll start again;

    IMHO; he isn't there and doesnt care. Why else would children.. and adults be starving in foriegn lands.. why else would religous extremeists be blowing up their own kith and kin, why else would families abandon they're own in the name of god, why else would decent hard working people suffer emotionally because they made mistakes in life.

    Normal human beings forgive, forget and dont judge.

    AGAIN; IMHO religion is wrong.



  • Junction-Guy

    God does care, but people commit these attrocities to each other. God allows it for some reason that we cant really fathom, but somehow that is part of his plan.

  • nomoreguilt

    What is IMHO?

  • VoidEater

    A subject that rages on in various threads here.

    God allows it for some reason that we cant really fathom, but somehow that is part of his plan.

    I do not accept that. If the typical Christian God exists, he has left the building IMO. That kind of God would certainly have come up with a better plan than what we see. If the point is that we all have to learn how great He is, He could have done better without all the suffering - He knows what he was setting in motion from the start, He knows the end result, everything else in that paradigm is just sideshow.

    Lord, save me from your followers.

  • VoidEater

    IMO - In My Opinion

    IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

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