straightened out but not going to be a liar

by helricha 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • daytona27

    They are concerned that you are not in the same pattern of practice that you were. For instance, they will ask you "how is your morality?" They will not ask you "have you committed any acts of immorality since you were disfellowshipped." You were expelled and beyond their reach. They can't ask you that. They just want to make sure you aren't practicing it now. In fact, you could be into other things, as long as it's not the same thing...yes, it's true.

  • little witch
    little witch


  • shell69

    as far as I'm aware they can't ask, because while you out your as dead to Jehoobah.


  • nomoreguilt

    They may very well ask you if there's anything that you have done as a sin while you were df'd. They tend to want to clear the air. They won't want you to IMPEED the holy spirit. However, it has been my expierence that by not telling them the whole truth that this will NOT impeed the holy spirit in their actions with you. It's not there anyways. They don't have it to begin with. By agreeing to meet with you to consider re-instating you they have already observed you at the kh and most likely have reached a decision on your part. All they need to know from you is that you have turned around from your old course and are truly sorry for what you have done. You don't need to have them believe any differently. That is of course unless they know of your secret sin, which from what you have said, your wife doesn't even know. Get your marriage together and keep it that way. Put on a good show at the kh for about 6 months then take the fade.

  • MissingLink

    They're going to ask about if you're repentant for what you got DF for. And they're going to ask about what your feelings are NOW about the organization. Is the GB a direct line to the big man?

  • hillbilly

    I'd worry about some good third- party marriage counseling... the elders ...wizz on 'em


  • joannadandy

    Yeah - I gotta agree with some of the other posters on this one - on the priority list of things to straighten out your marriage should be first, what the elders may or may not ask you can get pushed further down the list.

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