I really think some the Sociey posts a outline for experiences and they find someone in the District or Circuit who is close in circumstance...then it gets scripted into a composite story to make whatever point they are going for.
pretty much. When I was in rehearsals for circuit parts (never had a DC part), I would hear the other parts. They would go over and over those experiences ad nauseum until it was perfect. Only later (at MTS) did I find out that those experiences are in the outlines (ie...give local experience on {fill in the blank})... then the CO calls around to all the POs in the congo (now they email the request) to see if there is an experience close to that. The problem is that they had to find someone who had gone through the experience and was now in good standing and a good example!.... which is why those experiences have to be tweaked.
Funniest moment at a DC: We were meeting at a racetrack in Springfield, IL. It was hotter than hell. And being the midwest, it was also high humidity. Everyone is sweating and had their umbrellas out. As the day progressed, clouds started appearing. Everyone wanted clouds to provide relief, but of course nobody wanted rain.
The drama that day was on Noah.... yep..you know where this is going. You probably know the audio has almost always been canned (pre-recorded) and the "actors" {gag} just try to lip sync (Milli Vanilli did a better job lip syncing, but I digress). So there stands "Noah", front and center on the stage on the racetrack..... the clouds are darkening, the downpour begins. Poor "Noah" is drenched. Here comes the punchline. "Noah" raises his hands to the heavens, and the voice on the audio blares across the speakers: "I have never seen rain before!" "Noah", hands still outraised, is dying laughing...certainly not keeping up with the script. The audience roared with laughter.
I remember that even though I was just a kid at the time...probably back in the mid 70s. I remember that scene only, but not the point of the drama.
Snakes ()