Dear John,
I already knew you were pretentious, and I will explain why in a minute, but then I drove by your Chapel Hill estate yesterday. What are you thinking? Your neighbors mostly hate you, hate signs dot the yards of the mobile homes and shanties across the way, plus support signs for other candidates, not you. Andy you claim to be against big business which use the big ticket lawyers like yourself.
But why the hey would you every try to pose as a working man? I have seen no less that three photo ops you staged and even your handlers should be replaced and smacked. If you do not know how to roll up your sleeves for real work, PLEASE DON"T TRY! You look like the Flying Nun out there. I know Cramer goes a little too high than most guys doing the roll up....but at least it is real. You have tried the one fold, the two fold, but you leave it all flappin around, and you would not be wearing shirts like this to work make me sick you phony!......oompa.........sorry but I just had to get it out