It seems to me this site is full of anti jehovah's witness members.Its easy to point out weaknesses of others or the organization they represent.Jehovah's Witnesses do often with other religions.If you all have decided that Jehovah's Witnesses are bad people or that the organization is false,then which one is the true religion?Which religion teaches the correct doctrines?Which religion represents Gods truth?This question is for anyone.I'm asking this question with sincerity.
What is the true Religion?
by deadlyskilz 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Welcome to the board,
I don't think that JWs as a group are bad people. I do think they are caught up in a bad system. Yes, "the organization" is bad.
As far as religious beliefs go, why don't you cut out the middle men and form your own conclusions. You don't need an organization. God won't kill you for thinking for yourself.
The only purpose of religion is to give you meaning to life. i.e. explaining why we are here and where we go when we die. If you can come to your own conclusions to these questions and live a happy comfortable life, then I see no need for religion.
God is to big to need anything from us. Our puny visions of God started with the primative ideas of men.
Just my opinion, but "religion" is the problem....not the answer. I think that all religions have some good to them and some bad. The problem seems to be that as soon as faith becomes organized into a "religion", spirituality flys out the window and is replaced by rules and rituals that have nothing to do with the original purpose that caused people to come together in the first place.
Faith and spirituality have become a personal thing for me, and I feel I can share my thoughts and ideas with others, no matter what particular religion they claim to belong to.
Mommie Dark
Who says there has to be one 'true' religion?
Truth is where you find it. Love is the only imperative. Everything else is somebody's opinion and you buy at your own risk.
Dan B
"Try reading the actual bible and learn its principles on your own."
Sound familiar?
Welcome deadlyskilz,
I do not think all Jehovahs's Witnesses are bad people. Most I believe are doing what they think is right and try their best to do what they believe is good.
As far as your question, what religion teaches the correct doctrines, I would ask you why you are so concerned with following or accepting doctrines taught by men? What doctrine or doctrines did Christ teach? What was it that Christ said that fullfilled the law? Is there anything else needed?
Your next question, what religion represents God's truth? There is no religion that represents God's truth, only individuals can do their best to accomplish this. Religion seems to represent itself in most cases.
If you are interested, you can see the Watcthtowers 1989 take on what they believe true religion is. Just click the link below and go to the topic October 11 entitled: IDENTIFYING YOUR RELIGION AS TRUE OR FALSE
The WT is in violation of most of it's own rules.
I too don't think that jws are bad people. I was one for 30 yrs. They are stuck in a bad system. Truth? Get two christians together and they will find something to disagree about. Groups are for those who feel lonely/insecure in their own beliefs.
Form your own relationship w god. How? Meditate. Read about the great spiritual leaders such as catholic saints, buddha, hindu yogis. Read about near death experiences. Read joseph campbell. Read atheistic theories. Make up your own mind.
I have come to the conclusion that their could be a different religion for each one. Groupthink is ok, but it is for kids (spiritually).
The only true religion is Tolerant Love. No other.
Now, let's think a moment.
Tolorance and JW's?
Think very hard.
Thank all of you for your honest opinion.My interest in posting this topic was not for my personal benefit.It was to raise a valuable question for discussion.My own personal belief is similar to alot of you.I believe religious groups of any form tend to change the importance of religion.Forming seperate rules and guidlines they themselves have altered.I read the bible and stick to rules of (nature,karma,)whatever it may be called.If you do possitive it comes back to you.I believe the bible has great principles and valuable teachings.I choose to read it at home and take what I can from it.I left the jehovahs witness religion because of individuals not the teachings.I still believe in my own opinion that theyre teachings hold some ground in society.My other reason for posting this question was if some of you believe that there is no true religion then why are you soley picking apart this religion and not others.