Reaching Out

by cluless 16 Replies latest jw friends


    cluless - I don't feel like I'm being selfless. It takes little effort really, it's more awareness. Remember trying to turn a casual conversation into something about the Bible? Now I just look for opportunities to mention that I was a witness and now I'm not and a bit about why I'm not.

    For example, the Holidays made it so easy. I would say how excited I was about getting to celebrate Christmas after all these years (30) of believing it was wrong. Of course people want to know why. I tell them I was in a religion that didn't celebrate, name the religion, and proceed to tell them how shocked I was to discover that pedophiles were hidden and protected in the congregation. I am very friendly and they can see that I am sincere. So when I get to the part about them being allowed to come to their door even though they are known to be perverts that hurt children they usually look shocked themselves. I warn them to be careful because parents of molested children have been told not to involve the police by the elders.

    It all depends on how much time I have as to how far I go. I can make a point and wrap it up in 3-5 minutes if I have to.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    I can make a point and wrap it up in 3-5 minutes if I have to.

    Now that's where your TMS training has paid off! lol


  • chickpea

    i found a niche thru most unfortunate circumstances

    i have been a member for over 3 years and a moderator since nov 05 on a forum for adult survivors of CSA ( childhood sexual abuse).... and i have met IRL 5 of the members, and if we were to count the "alters" for the 2 who are Dx'd DID, then it is in double digits! ( FYI... barbara anderson specifically mentions in one of her documents that the society rejected the notion of DID or multiple personality disorder.... wankers)

    one of the youngest ones i met, 21 at the time, needed to be removed from current jeopardy...... so i moved her 900 miles away from a perp and helped set her up with an apt. and a serviceable vehicle..... she just turned 24 and has a decent job, moved to a nicer apt and invited me to spend new years with her.... which i did!!!

    i write "children's stories" for the very special population of "littles" .... the youngest of alters in a dissociative system

    speaking only for is so much more fulfilling to serve humanity by reaching out to fulfill needs in present circumstance than offering the tripe that " paradise will heal all harm"... they are suffering NOW!




  • Hortensia

    I think my business offers a good service - I take folks with not much education and few opportunities and train them in a high-paying skill.

    but I reach out in a limited way by being a secret friend of kids whose parents are not doing well financially. I like to mail an anonymous present to a little kid, from "your secret friend" now and then. It works because the parents know who the secret friend is so it doesn't feel weird, the kid gets attention and maybe some goodies the parents can't afford, and I think it helps their self-esteem, and I can do it as and when I can afford it.

  • watson

    My "reaching out?" Working my a$$ off now to make up for lost time. Not too excited about living off of Social Security.

  • WTWizard

    My reaching out is binge buying Christmas decorations to make up for the ones I had to throw away because of the Tower. (And then some for the interest). That always got the store clerks to think not to become a Jehovah's Witless or they would be binge-buying Christmas decorations to replace the ones they throw away instead of buying to replace the ones that get busted or lost.

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