Has anyone else noticed that we get a lot of "who has the truth" and "what is the true religion" type messages? But you never hear anyone ask something like "how do I develop authentic spirituality?" Granted, the word spiritual is abstract and vague, but there is the matter of the individual aspect of the word spirituality. Even the witnesses believe you can be a part of the religion without being spriitual right?
Religion vs. Spirituality
by Introspection 15 Replies latest jw friends
Excellent point Intro - and you are correct. One does not have to be spiritual to belong to any religion.
But, what is authentic spirituality? Yes - that concept is vague at best. One's level of spirituality can be a very personal thing. So, how does one develop authentic spirituality?
so true...but i think it is because of the context most of us our coming from..the religion has taught us to categorize religions in such manner..to find the true one based on its teachings, requirements and all...it hasn't even focused on personal spiritual growth..the focus is to learn more more more more from the Bible yet failing to use as a basis for personal and spiritual nourishment..
the comfort offered by knowing these 'truths' is to break free the so-called false teachings of the world but in reality it has just stagnated to such level...no room for growth coz the teachings are just the same, their attempt is to draw us out of this 'evil world' but i think it is more important to reconcile the teachings of the Bible while actually living in this 'reality/world'
Well Petty thanks for being the first to ask! I think the idea of authentic spirituality isn't totally new, even JWs have this concept of "make the truth your own". Not that accepting something as "your own" is it, but it has to come from your self in some sense. I guess one example would be having love for people. It's one thing to do good deeds because it's something you're supposed to do, (and of course in that case good deeds can be defined in all sorts of arbitrary ways) but it's another thing if you feel moved to do it or it just comes naturally to you (which may not be a big feeling, but you do it) because someone else is in need etc. It seems to me there are plenty of situations in life where we can practice this, but we can get caught up in us giving away something or the other person should do this and that or be more responsible for themselves or whatever. It doesn't have to be anything complicated, I guess the key is to be genuine and honest about it. And of course, practice.
Very good point. In my nonsarcastic posts i always try to encourage true spirituality.
Many ways. Many roads lead to it. Many catholic saints did it. Sufis, pentacostalists, buddhists, hindus, shamans, nde experiencers, even some aitheists did it. Maybe it is a new stage in our developement.
A good starting point is meditation 15 minutes per day.
Thanks Introspection and SS,
I have neglected this aspect since leaving the JWs, being very pragmatic and all. But I do feel a need to pay attention to my "spirit" as it were. It is a vague term, but meditation seems like a good place to begin.
Pat -
You seem pretty insightful,for a sandwich.Good post and I like your new cartoon character...OUTLAW
Powdered toast man is clairvoyant...spirituality is like a deep love, and is part of it. I've thought alot about spirituality, in the christian sense, especially, since that is familiar to me, but also the spirituality of the wind moving through the trees, making the branches rattle like bones....I've always found God in nature.
Hindu stuff seems spiritual. Lots of inner peace and conscience stuff.
I don't think I am that spiritual.ISP
Having escaped the clutches of the cult (after 40 years), there is an overwhelming and persistent feeling of joy - the knowledge that nothing will ever be as bad again. Belonging to a religion just means following the rules and produces guilt and fear. A sister on her deathbed (aged 23)said to me "Have I done enough?" Spirituality produces joy and confidence.
I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four, and each moment then,
In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own face in the glass,
I find letters from God dropt in the street, and every one is sign'd by God's name,
And I leave them where they are, for I know that wheresoe'er I go,
Others will punctually come for ever and ever.Walt Whitman, "Song of myself".