If Hillary becomes president.......

by lavendar 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • SacrificialLoon

    According to the ads on this page if Hillary becomes president I should get a mail order Chinese bride.

  • BurnTheShips
    According to the ads on this page if Hillary becomes president I should get a mail order Chinese bride.

    Does that poor girl look miserable or what?


    journey.....I really don't get why you singled out the Clinton's for your attack on lifestyles. Bill/Hillary never had a lot of money until AFTER he was President. I don't have an issue with intelligent people making money. This is America after all. (It's a good thing that GB has all those oilfield's around the world lining his pockets, because he sure won't make it in Speaking Engagements!)

    If you have a problem with money that is paid to ALL President's and Congressmen/women then you better get busy trying to get the law changed. Good Luck!


  • SacrificialLoon

    "Does that poor girl look miserable or what?" (Sorry can't quote properly at work)

    She's like... God, someone get this guy a breath mint.

  • JeffT

    I checked snopes on that piece about the Clinton's retirement etc. The bit about the secret service rent is not true. The service pays about $1100, an amount set by the government not the Clinton's. This is standard practice when the service has to do this kind of thing. The retirement system is a disgrace involving everybody in Congress and the Executive branch (and probably the Judiciary. Mind you, I can't stand either one of them, but I prefer to base my disagreemenets on actual facts.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Hillary Clinton is not much different from a Republican neocon like Bush.

    Check out these websites www.infowars.com & www.propagandamatrix.com for interesting underground info on what is going on with the race for presidency.

  • worldtraveller

    I lost interest when she started that stupid laugh track. Looked really lame and fake.

  • Junction-Guy

    She's not getting my vote.

  • watson

    She is least genuine person I have ever seen at her level in politics.

  • nomoreguilt

    watching the debates last night, Hilary reminded me of a number of TRUE BLUE jw sisters that I never could warm up to, get my drift? Just hard line company people.


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