According to the ads on this page if Hillary becomes president I should get a mail order Chinese bride.
If Hillary becomes president.......
by lavendar 20 Replies latest jw friends
According to the ads on this page if Hillary becomes president I should get a mail order Chinese bride.
Does that poor girl look miserable or what?
journey.....I really don't get why you singled out the Clinton's for your attack on lifestyles. Bill/Hillary never had a lot of money until AFTER he was President. I don't have an issue with intelligent people making money. This is America after all. (It's a good thing that GB has all those oilfield's around the world lining his pockets, because he sure won't make it in Speaking Engagements!)
If you have a problem with money that is paid to ALL President's and Congressmen/women then you better get busy trying to get the law changed. Good Luck!
"Does that poor girl look miserable or what?" (Sorry can't quote properly at work)
She's like... God, someone get this guy a breath mint. -
I checked snopes on that piece about the Clinton's retirement etc. The bit about the secret service rent is not true. The service pays about $1100, an amount set by the government not the Clinton's. This is standard practice when the service has to do this kind of thing. The retirement system is a disgrace involving everybody in Congress and the Executive branch (and probably the Judiciary. Mind you, I can't stand either one of them, but I prefer to base my disagreemenets on actual facts.
Must obey!
Hillary Clinton is not much different from a Republican neocon like Bush.
Check out these websites & for interesting underground info on what is going on with the race for presidency.
I lost interest when she started that stupid laugh track. Looked really lame and fake.
She's not getting my vote.
She is least genuine person I have ever seen at her level in politics.
watching the debates last night, Hilary reminded me of a number of TRUE BLUE jw sisters that I never could warm up to, get my drift? Just hard line company people.