Evidence Ministries in San Antonio - You Tube Video- I'm at the End
by Perry 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Moving. Thanks for sharing this.
That was nice Thanks
I loved it and the song too.
horrible life
I enjoyed it. But everytime I am directed to You Tube, I stay for an hour. LOL
Guest with Questions
Thanks Perry. Just here for a moment before going to bed and found your post. Isn't that our own Mouthy at 5:13? I recognize another person who is now my friend. Will comment on it one day. It really put a smile on my face.
I'm at 4:14, we met. I remember you. You are the very last one?
I guess I should have clarified that I'm near the end, @ 5.06 to be exact. I don't think we met XJW. A lot of these pictures were taken at the Witnesses for Jesus Convention. We were unable to go because kids were sick. We hope to go next year though and meet everyone.
Those of us here in San Antonio meet twice a month. Any can find us. Just google ex-jw san antonio meetup. If any are in the area, please come visit.
Sorry you missed. I remember someone saying someone from JWD couldn't make it due to illness, musta been you. My testimony is online at Towerwatch, The Removal of the Veil, I went up right after Keith. Look forward to meeting you this year. I used to be Apostate Kate here, I lost my log on information and they sent me the logon for this old one. We exchanged email about when I rescued my bird Louie. (Free2BeKathleen) I didn't think that picture looked like you ..lol I thought well mabe your avatar was taken 20 years ago? lol..
Louie hates Zupreme! He is a junk food junkie. We decided he must be a Greater Patagonian Conure and traced his breeder back to your state. We love him so much. He is a character. Do they do something surgicaly to thier wings? He has never been clipped but can't fly. If he falls down off a chair or something he flops down and doesn't even try to flap much. Poor guy. He has fit in real well around here with all the other rescues, dogs, horses, chickens..if someone leaves the door open he runs outside to visit the horses, he loves the horses. The only thing he will eat well is safflower seeds and sunflower seeds. He hates fruit and veggies and will make a gagging sound when I try to get him to eat them...He also will knock on the door when I'm in the bathroom and say "HELLO HELLO HELLO" lol...
I never thought I'd enjoy living with a bird and now I am in love with this goofball!
Yes that is Mouthy!!!!
The highlight of my trip was hugging our Mouthy...She is AWESOME.