Just about every church I know of does something for the poor and needy around this time of year, who are not necessarily Christians or members of their church. From helping prisoners to delivering food hampers to visiting the lonely and elderly to helping poor people and children overseas, most churches I'm aware of do at least something to materially help the suffering in the community, home and abroad, regardless of their religious orientation. Many of these churches have programmes providing such assistance all year around, even many Catholic churches.
But what do the JW's do to actually practically help the suffering and poor at this time of year, or ever? And I don't mean preaching & magazines & tracts or disaster relief.
If Jesus helped the poor and needy whether they were his disciples or not, then what are JW's doing to imitate him in that respect?
I don't get why the JW's are so meanhearted and stingy with helping the poor and needy in the community.