by Dansk 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk

    I've not hidden the fact that I'm an atheist, something I've come to through what I believe is thorough research and experience. However, while I no longer consider myself religious I do believe I am spiritual.

    I do not believe the universe was created by an all powerful being, but that the universe IS that all powerful being. In other words, we are all part of the universe, as are all sentient and insentient bodies, and we are subject to its laws. I believe some people have the capacity to tap into the universe and use its powers benevolently.

    To give an example, when I was first diagnosed as being terminally ill three years ago Mulan suggested organising a vigil for me and, happily, some JWDers offered to participate. Posters here, at a specific time, sent me energies, prayers, Reiki, vibes, best wishes, lit candles, etc. That first Tuesday night, while I was in bed, I definitely felt a force over my body and, interestingly, my watch slowed down by a full ten minutes. I reset my watch and it behaved normally and never lost time. The following Tuesday night, the second vigil, I felt a force again - and once again my watch lost a full ten minutes. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences. Since then I have never felt the vigil forces as strong, but perhaps it's because less people are taking part (?) or because the energies have to be dispersed amongst more people (I have since been joined on the vigil list by other poor sick souls).

    Like many people here I have had other "strange" experiences I cannot explain - but never once did I feel it was the hand of God. I believe the answers to our queries lies firmly with the universe, but I do not know how. It makes more sense, however, that being a part of the universe, no matter how miniscule, that same universe must have an effect on us.

    I'm extremely happy, obviously, that I may now be cured of my illness and most of my thanks go to the doctors, nurses and other medical staff who brought me back from nigh oblivion. I also thank the scientific community who researched and are still researching for cures against cancer and other fatal diseases. But let us not forget the constant vigilers here, too, who somehow manage to tap into the universe to send out good. I would never rule them out for helping me in my recovery.

    Now, many people reading this would be sceptical, as is their right! I would never argue against them. I have stated that these are my beliefs, I have no empirical evidence. It behoves us all to research and experiment and not just go on what a person says as that is blind faith. I am only too happy that I am still around to pursue my beliefs

    I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had similar experiences to my own - or even their own completely different ones.

    Best wishes,


  • quietlyleaving

    Hi dansk

    I see you as a very rational reasoning member of JWD, so it is really interesting that this happened to you

    Posters here, at a specific time, sent me energies, prayers, Reiki, vibes, best wishes, lit candles, etc. That first Tuesday night, while I was in bed, I definitely felt a force over my body and, interestingly, my watch slowed down by a full ten minutes. I reset my watch and it behaved normally and never lost time. The following Tuesday night, the second vigil, I felt a force again - and once again my watch lost a full ten minutes. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences. Since then I have never felt the vigil forces as strong, but perhaps it's because less people are taking part (?) or because the energies have to be dispersed amongst more people (I have since been joined on the vigil list by other poor sick souls).

    LT and Satanus seem to describe similar things - I'm all for it. Thanks for sharing your experiences

  • Awakened07
    To give an example, when I was first diagnosed as being terminally ill three years ago Mulan suggested organising a vigil for me and, happily, some JWDers offered to participate. Posters here, at a specific time, sent me energies, prayers, Reiki, vibes, best wishes, lit candles, etc. That first Tuesday night, while I was in bed, I definitely felt a force over my body and, interestingly, my watch slowed down by a full ten minutes. I reset my watch and it behaved normally and never lost time. The following Tuesday night, the second vigil, I felt a force again - and once again my watch lost a full ten minutes. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences. Since then I have never felt the vigil forces as strong, but perhaps it's because less people are taking part (?) or because the energies have to be dispersed amongst more people (I have since been joined on the vigil list by other poor sick souls).

    -Who would want to be the cynic who "debunks" such an experience? I sure don't. Not that it can be 'debunked'; it's your personal experience. And - real or imagined - it can surely make the universe a nicer place to be.

    From an atheist perspective, I must confess I'm skeptical, as I'm sure you'd be as well. Sure - there can be physical energies in the universe we don't know about yet. But if we agree that we live in a universe without any kind of spirit beings, but that there may be 'energies' we can tap into, one has to wonder how those energies can be channeled from various sources (forum members) to one, specific human being only by thinking of that person (or that person's avatar and nick name). If it actually works, wouldn't there have to be some intelligence guiding the energy to the specific person?

    If there are spirit beings (or beings from other dimensions etc.) at work, we'd have to transfer the 'God problem' over to them; why don't they help in a more efficient, reliable and evenly distributed way if they have the ability?

    I won't completely deny the possibility of pure universal energies that we have yet to scientifically detect and explore, but I have a hard time seeing how we could channel that energy using our thoughts, over to one, specific person. That said, I can have a wireless internet connection to my computer if I want. But that 'energy' is free flowing; anyone nearby can 'tap into it' and use it if I haven't password protected the connection. My specific PC is not the specific 'target' as such, it's just that the signal that any nearby PC can pick up is locked to my computer through various types of 'passwords'. Then again, one may argue that that's kinda how that universal 'energy' works; that it's always there for everyone, and that thought patterns then can direct them to one specific person because that person has the correct 'signature'. It does become rather science fiction, but I don't think I am willing to completely deny the possibility of something along those lines happening.

    I do think however, that whatever the cause, if it does happen, we should see it happen on a more regular basis in everyday life.

    Regardless - I'm glad you had the experience, and I'm glad people came together to send you good thoughts.

  • quietlyleaving

    very interesting thoughts awakened07. It may be as you describe. I too resist the idea of spirit beings.

    But I also think that humans are very powerful from our past animal instincitve intuition perspective that has unfortunately become lost to us - we gain a lot and lose a little in the process of progressing as a society moving away from hunter/gatherer for example - but that it is still there to rediscover.

  • Dansk

    Quietlyleaving and Awakened,

    Thank you for posting.

    Awakened, I cannot disagree with anything you said. I, too, do not believe in spirit beings that can intercede on our behalf because, yes, it should be happening more widely. I still cannot say what happened to me during my experience(s). I look around the world (via news reports, etc.) and think how much humanity needs something to make it well. Why should I be singled out to receive universal energies? I just don't know! I'm still searching.......................


  • chickpea

    many are seeking and searching!!!

    there is a peer-review journal called "alternative therapies" that over the years has published articles and research on the effects/outcomes of "intercessory" prayer and distant healing.... one article, ( ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, november 1997, VOL. 3, NO. 6) an original paper by Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D. and William Braud, Ph.D. entitled Distant Intentionality and Healing: Assessing the Evidence concludes with the following:

    A new epistemology would implicitly question the assumption that a nomothetic science—one characterized by inviolable “scientific laws”—can in the end adequately deal with causality. In our search for a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying distant healing, the most fundamental issue is whether consciousness is real in some nontrivial sense. Can it be “causal”? Results reported here and elsewhere 63,64 suggest that consciousness may be causal, or that, in some ultimate sense, there may be no causality—only a whole system evolving. 65 In the latter case, distant intentionality might not be an anomaly … but part of another order of reality.

    if you are interested in the article, let me know

  • poppers

    If nonduality is true, that is, if there is but one thing that the universe is comprised of (consciousness) then there is a satisfactory reason for your experience with the vigils. The appearance of the universe is that of diversity, and that appearance is sustained by the mind as it creates the appearance of "me and other". But if that is only an appearance (as stated by nonduality) then all is actually ONE thing at the most fundamental level. To "connect" to what only appears to be "other" for its benefit is then nothing mysterious that needs outside agents such as angels or other dimensional beings. The challenge is to dis-cover one's essential nature beyond the mind and see for oneself that all is one.

  • proplog2

    I don't believe in the concept of an all-powerful or omniscient god. However, I believe there are intelligent entities who have also evolved and are ahead of us on the technological curve. They may intervene enough to keep us striving. The Bible speaks of Angels. Some call them aliens. I like to call them "AngeLIENS.

  • journey-on

    What an enlightening post. Thanks, Dansk, for telling us your personal experience.

    We can only go by our personal experiences where spirituality is concerned. I, too, have experienced

    "something" outside the "norm" that convinced me that there is SO MUCH MORE TO THIS than we know.

    If one closes their mind to these possibilities, then they shut the door to the experience. At this point in

    my journey, I'm inclined to believe that The Eternal One....the Intelligent Creative Energy Force....is in all, through all,

    and around all. I believe as we evolve physically AND SPIRITUALLY, we may be able eventually to discover that some

    of these things can be explained scientifically (because SOME people will always NEED that kind of explanation.) Time

    will tell.

  • nvrgnbk


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