I just got an email from a still active witness friend of mine and in it she says that they no longer use the word Disfellowshipped. They announce that so and so is "no longer " one of Jehovah''s witnesses. Is this true? Have they stopped using the word Disfellowshipped? When did this happen? And why?
The Term- Disfellowshipped -no longer used???
by annalice 17 Replies latest jw friends
It is the same reason why the Borg does most things... power and legal ass protection.
They do still use the term disfellowshipping but not in the announcement. So whether someone just walks away or committed a 'gross sin' it is the same announcement. That takes the power away from the individual who is leaving and feeds into the concept that leaving the Borg is akin to sleeping with Satan and his hordes.
As of a little bit over a year ago (selected excerpts):
*** w06 11/15 pp. 26-30 Always Accept Jehovah’s Discipline ***
Some Are Disfellowshipped3
God’s servants study the Bible and Christian publications. Jehovah’s standards are discussed at their meetings, assemblies, and conventions. So Christians are in a position to know what Jehovah requires of them. Disfellowshipping takes place only if a member of the congregation unrepentantly engages in gross sin.4
Consider a Scriptural example of disfellowshipping. The congregation in Corinth tolerated "such fornication as [was] not even among the nations, that a wife a certain man [had] of his father." Paul urged the Corinthians to "hand such a man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, in order that the spirit may be saved." (1 Corinthians 5:1-5) When disfellowshipped and thus handed over to Satan, the sinner was again part of the Devil’s world. (1 John 5:19) His expulsion removed an evil fleshly element from the congregation and preserved its godly "spirit," or dominant attitude.—2 Timothy 4:22; 1 Corinthians 5:11-13.____________________________________________________________________________
What is accomplished by disfellowshipping? It keeps Jehovah’s holy name clear of reproach and protects the fine reputation of his people. (1 Peter 1:14-16) Removing an unrepentant wrongdoer from the congregation upholds God’s standards and preserves the congregation’s spiritual cleanness. It may also bring the unrepentant one to his senses.Repentance
Makes a Difference7
Most who sin seriously are truly repentant and are not disfellowshipped from the congregation. Of course, genuine repentance does not necessarily come easily. Consider Israel’s King David, who composed Psalm 32. That song reveals that for a time David did not confess his serious sins, likely involving Bath-sheba. The result was that anguish over his sins depleted his vigor, just as summer’s dry heat saps moisture from a tree. David suffered physically and mentally, but when he ‘confessed his transgressions, Jehovah pardoned him.’ (Psalm 32:3-5) Then David sang: "Happy is the man to whose account Jehovah does not put error." (Psalm 32:1, 2) How wonderful it was to experience God’s mercy!________________________________________________________________________________________
Repentance is a very important factor in connection with reinstatement into the Christian congregation. A disfellowshipped person is not automatically accepted back into the congregation after a certain amount of time has passed. Before he can be reinstated, his heart condition must undergo a great change. He must come to realize the gravity of his sin and the reproach he brought upon Jehovah and the congregation. The sinner must repent, pray earnestly for forgiveness, and conform to God’s righteous requirements. When requesting reinstatement, he should be able to give evidence that he has repented and is producing "works that befit repentance."—Acts 26:20.Why
Confess Wrongdoing?10
Some who have sinned might reason: ‘If I tell anyone about my sin, I may have to answer embarrassing questions and may be disfellowshipped. But if I keep quiet, that can be avoided and nobody in the congregation will ever know.’ Such thinking fails to take some important factors into account. What are these? -
This was a new tactic by the Society in Europe in regards the blood issue. A big controversy ensued, because they DF'd those who accepted blood transfusions, because of such measures, they were not recognized as a religion. So they stated that they do not DF for accepting blood. Instead, wheen someone took blood, because they violated the rules, they were simply said to be "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses".
While the announcement doesn't declare them DF'd or DA'd, they are still referred to in those terms.
I would love to see some documentation (articles or even DB links) on what you just wrote. Do you have any links to other information on it?
Dave -
Isaiah 43:10:
"YOU are my witnesses," is the utterance of Jehovah, "even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may understand that I am the same One."
JEHOVAH chooses who His witnesses are. It is not for any man speaking from a platform to say who and who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses!
I was told they do NOT shun. The explanation spin I got really meant that they disfellowship which actually MEANS shunning. SHUN is not a part of their vocabulary. Stupid explanation .DF is.
Hi Dave, I do recall it being mentioned on this very forum some years ago, there were even newspaper articles, unfortunately I forget what country it was. Someone here shoudl know, but I'll see what I could find.
I was told they do NOT shun. The explanation spin I got really meant that they disfellowship which actually MEANS shunning. SHUN is not a part of their vocabulary.
That's one of the most prevalent WT urban myths around.
How about the following four Watchtower instances?
*** w57 6/1 p. 348 How to Avoid Backsliding Today ***
24 "Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits." (1 Cor. 15:33, NW) Ancient Israel was warned not to companion with the demonistic nations round about them. But Israel did, and Israel was contaminated. Israel fed on false doctrines and slid into a morass of sin. Only a faithful remnant resisted and stood fast. It is the same today, for what happened then is prophetic of today. The majority are feeding on spiritual food that failed to nourish in Bible times and is failing to nourish now. So there is a spiritual weakening and backsliding afflicting the majority. But there is a small minority holding fast. Those wishing to avoid backsliding must shun the backsliders, for such bad associations would spoil useful habits of true worship. Do not be misled.
*** w84 5/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
Furthermore, some of the religious literature that people may urge Jehovah’s Witnesses to read is written by, or contains the thoughts of, individuals who have apostatized. True Christians are commanded to shun such apostates. (2 John 9-11; Titus 3:10, 11)
*** w88 4/15 p. 27 Discipline That Can Yield Peaceable Fruit ***
The same was to occur with apostates, such as Hymenaeus: "As for a man that promotes a sect, reject him after a first and a second admonition; knowing that such a man has been turned out of the way and is sinning." (Titus 3:10, 11; 1 Timothy 1:19, 20) Such shunning would be appropriate, too, for anyone who rejects the congregation: "They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us. But they went out that it might be shown up that not all are of our sort."—1 John 2:18, 19.
** w95 4/1 p. 28 How Christians Cope With Public Reproach ***
Loyal Christians have Biblical reasons for shunning apostates and their views.Len Miller