please do write about Lot.
Here's a quick look at the life of Lot: When his father died Lot moved in with his uncle Abraham. They traveled a lot, and eventually got pretty wealthy, soon Lot and Abraham started to fight over their stuff. So they seperated. Naturally since Lot was younger and healthier, he decided to take the BEST land in Sodom, and leave his tattered old uncle to deal with the inferior land somewhere else.
But Sodom was full of nasty people, or at least people that God didn't like, and God decided to kill them.
So, either because he was a really swell guy, or because his uncle is chums with god (take your pick) Yahweh decided to spare Lot and his family.
After housing two hobos who turned out to be angels with an important message, Lot completely failed to save ANYONE other than his immediate family, discounting his wife. =
They went to the mountains where he had sex with BOTH his virgin daughters, got them BOTH pregnent, and thus became the father of TWO of Israel's arch-enemies, Amon and Moab. But it's okay, because he was stone drunk at the time.
Lot was later given an honorable mention in Second Peter, as a righteous man. (2 Peter 2:7-8)
A child who views Lot as a rolemodel, may very well grow up to be an alchoholic, who solves his family problems by simply taking what he can and seperating from his family, and who seems to believe that: "But I was drunk when I did it." is a good excuse for ANYTHING.
Also don't be surprised if his grandchildren have a few genetic deformities...
Lore - W.W.S.D?