I had once posted on this board that I have been talking to a born-again christian co-worker of mine on the subject of the bodily reserrection of Christ doctrine. I just cannot believe how Satan has totally blinded the minds of people with regards to this doctrine. I have tried just about everything and showed my co-worker every verse that totally destroys the bodily reserrection of Christ doctrine (sometimes called the bodily reserrection doctrine) I know the problem is that born-again christians have to hold onto this doctrine because of another false doctrine they teach the "trinity" to explain away scriptures that clearly show Jesus is not and has never been equal to Jehovah. Scriptures that mention Jehovah as "greater" before Jesus died always gets explained away by saying "Jesus was in his human nature" that is why he could say Jehovah is greater than he. But when you show born-agains verses after the reserrection they will resort to the "Jesus was in a body of flesh and bone" that is why Jehovah is still greater than he is 1Cor 15:28, 1Cor 11:3 and others. So really born-agains cannot argue that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever because if they do then they will have to believe that Jesus is capable of dying in heaven with the "same" body he died with on the cross. My co-worker attempted to "wiggle" out of this one by saying that Jesus body is the same but "glorified". But did not Jehovah pour out Holy Spirit on Jesus at his baptism and "Annoited" Jesus. If Jesus has the same body in heaven that he had on earth why would Jehovah have to annoit Jesus and his baptism if he knew Jesus would be glorified? And if Jesus has wound marks and nail prints in his glorified body this would contradict that fact that Jesus is in a glorified state because his body would still show signs of humiliation from his killers. Jesus returns with all of the Angels which would be impossible if he were to come in a human body. Angels are far more superior than Humans that is what distinguishes us from them. And also Jehovah has never been in the flesh so according to trinitarians Jehovah and the Holy Ghost are sharing the Godhead with a "man". This is utter blasphamey for born-agains to teach blasphamous things about Jehovah and Jesus. Another embarrassing questions for born-agains regarding the bodily reserrection of Christ doctrine is if believers are all going to be reserrected with their fleshly body that they died with what about christian martyrs that died in the Roman collessum that were eaten by lions. Are they in heaven with body parts missing because lions must have totally destroyed their fleshly body? Born-agains love to quote scriptures such as 1Tim 2:5-6, Act 17:31, and other scriptures mentioning Jesus as a "man" after his heavenly reserrection. But they fail to quote the verses in Rev that call the glorified Jesus a "Lamb", a "Rock", "Husband" are we to assume that Jesus is a four legged Lamb or a hunk of "Clay or Brick" or does he now wear a "wedding ring" since the bible call him "Husband"? The truth of the matter no matter how much born-agains explain away these verses they never can give you a clear answer on 1Pet 3:18 where Jesus is put to death in the flesh and made alive in the Spirit. Born-agains attempt to deceive people into believing that this should be translated "By the Spirit". But ask any greek scholar and they agree that this is a wrong translation and should read "in the Spirit". I really feel sorry for born-agains that are so blinded that the truth just does not shine thru. My co-worker has since stopped talking to me since he could not answer most of my questions. Born-agains do not like it when you know your bible and they can't deceive you.
The "bodily reserrection of Christ" doctrine again falls apart under Bible.
by booker-t 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jehovah's Witnesses do not like it when you know your bible and they can't deceive you.
It sounds to me that being "right" about doctrin is more important than freindship. So sad. carmel
Yes I agree with you entirely Booker T. Born agains will dodge the truth from the bible concerning their God the Trinity.
Deputy Dog
Junction-Guy hit the nail on the head. I've never met a JW who knows or believes the Bible. They only know or believe what the org. tells them about it.
And this is JW reasoning? Common guys, you can't be serious about it! If this is JW reasoning then you evend don't have to know much Bible to tear apart JW with such reasoning! Let alone sentecne that Angels are superior to man... Where does this comes from? Which of them are made in the image of God? Angels or Men? Which of them are servant spirits send to serve for those who gains salvation. Common... give me such easy JW, why they don't come to me?
I had once posted on this board that I have been talking to a born-again christian co-worker of mine on the subject of the bodily reserrection of Christ doctrine.
O.K. so just what is your own belief regarding the resurrection of Christ?
drew sagan
Learn to use paragraphs!
If you want people to take you seriously stop throwing out nonsense such as "satan has blinded people' when discussing those who disagree with you. Just state your points, in an organized manner and then we can talk about what you are interested in.
You ramble on so badly that you are hard to follow and confusing. Slow down and post your thoughts in a better way, then you will begin to get good discussion. -
I just cannot believe how Satan has totally blinded the minds of people with regards to this doctrine.
I'm glad you've approached this subject with an open mind
My co-worker has since stopped talking to me since he could not answer most of my questions.
I'm not surprised. I hope you took to heart yesterday's Watchtower lesson about taking the time to listen and understand the other person's point of view without interrogating them
At 1 Corinthians 15:42-45, 50-53 says that the reseruction of the dead it is sawn in corruption, but it is raised in uncorruption, sawn in dishonour raised in glory...at the last trumpet the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed...for the corruptible must put into incorruption and this mortal must put into immortality
The all text here is reffering to the human body, that is being transformed from corrupted and mortal to uncorrapted and immortal
Jesus gave His soul (Mathew 20:28)as a ransom for the many. So by taking His soul back does it mean that Jesus death is cancelled?
Mathew 6:54-59 Jesus said that if you do not eat my flesh and drink my blood there is no life within you. The one that drinks my blood and eats my flesh will remain forever.
Mathew 6:63 Jesus said that the spirit brings to life...so He explain to them that what brings to life is the spirit that was in union with His flesh.
Luke 24:15, 16,31, Jesus appeared to them, but their eyes couldn't see Him. So still it was Jesus.
So DO YOU NEED ANY OTHER PROOF that Jesus was raised with His body? Or perhaps Jesus is a liar?
John 20:26-28 Jesus ask Thomas to touch the wounds and the nails, and Thomas WORHSHIPS Jesus saying MY LORD AND MY GOD. So would Jesus lied to Thomas by showing fake marks of the nails in the hands?
The excuse that Jesus was a spirit because He passed through the close doors is not enough because Jesus even before He died he could change the laws of nature. Mathew 14:25-29 He could walk on the sea!!!
John 20:3-7 Peter entered to the grave and he saw linen clothes of Jesus lying in different places of the grave, that shows Jesus took them of and walked on.
Besides resurrection means -Anastasi- in Greek to stand again. to raise. So if Jesus didn't take the fleshly body but a spirit body it means He was transformed and not resurected.
Regarding the point those early Christians that died in Rome in the arenas, for sure God will not gathered their pieces since they are in Heaven with Jesus. They will have a new glorified immortal body on the new earth.
Regarding Trinity you can find it among the first century Christian letters. Besides the Biblical Cannon that it was set by the Christian Orthodox Synodos, for the Church the Bible is not the only expression of Gods apocalypse to humans, but there are many other expressions. Trinity It was only defined in the 3rd century due to Arius who tryied to insert new dogmas at the Early Church.