Jehovah's Angels are Sexist. No?

by prophecor 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prophecor

    I'm only asking because when the angels fell from heaven, witnessing how beautiful the daughters of the sons of men were, they formulated for themselves, material, fleshly bodies in order to pro-create and do the nasty with some really ancient "Hoochie Mammas". No where are we given any indication that these angles ever had, nor did they even desire to have sex with us menz, well, humph,.... I guess we know which of the sexes are truly blessed, then. No?

    GENESIS 6:1&2

    When men became many in number on the earth, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful. And they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.

  • Caedes

    It's almost as if the inspired word of god just happened to match the prejudices and thinking of the men who wrote it down.

    Now I wonder how that could happen? Perhaps it's true of everything else that is written down in the bible?

  • Aleman

    You also have to think about how the children of these angels were. They weren't all boy, there were girls also who became these demi-gods and had powers like their fathers the angels.

    I also read in the book of Enoch that the angels would take animals and form half human bodies of them to posses and take women and rape them or court them. Egiptians have a historical acount of these half human half beast lokking people with super-human powers.


  • blondie

    I think these angels wanted to procreate, have children, and found a dynasty. That was the one difference between humans and angels, that ability. I think there would have been even fewer offspring if they had chosen men to bed. (smile)

  • 5go

    May be the amazons were the female off springs of the angels or they could be myths as well.

  • prophecor

    The stories of humans with near God-Like powers is really quite intrigueing. Match them up with ancient Greek Mythology and the stories begin to have a ring of truth to them. There was once, I believe when in the Kingdom Hall, or in a magazine, I'm not sure, where these same thoughts were hinted at, or even downright supported. Apollo, and others might not have been so far from the truth.

  • diamondblue1974
    It's almost as if the inspired word of god just happened to match the prejudices and thinking of the men who wrote it down.

    Its a weird phenomenon that has always baffled me! How could this have happened? lol.


  • erynw

    Eat your heart out prophecor.

    Sex with angels is sho shexy.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I've never thought that this meant only women. I still have a theory that the ban on homosexuality was inspired by the fact that men passed on their land to their sons. If their sons were gay and had no sons, who would the family land be passed on to? And banning lesbianism? Well, men wanted to be sure they'd up the chances of finding wives. If the village beauty was allowed to live as a lesbian, that took her off the market for the local studs.

    I imagine that spirit creatures would be attracted by the same things humans were. A certain percentage of them probably were gay or bi.

  • eclipse

    I never thought about them having female offspring, but if they did....amazonian woman makes sense....

    I was always under the impression that they only had angel Y sperm and no angel X, yeah, I know, silly thought.

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