Books/texts/scriptures mentioned in the bible , though not incorporated in the bible cannon .

by smiddy 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    If a bible writer / scribe refers to a particular book text or scripture by name , for one reason or another, shouldn`t that be a legitimate reason for including it in the bible cannon as a part of the bible ?

    Just how many texts , books, scriptures are left out of the Old testament bible that are mentioned there in and how many,  if any are their in the new testament.

  • Splash

    The Priests Book - Num 5:23
    Book of the Wars of Jehovah - Num 21:14
    Book of Jashar - Josh 10:13; 2Sam 1:18
    Map of Regions - Josh 18:9
    The Due of Kings - 1Sam 10:25
    The History of Solomon - 1Kings 11:41
    The History of the Times of the Kings of Israel - 1Kings 14:19; 1Kings 15:31; 1 Kings 16:5, 14, 20, 27...
    The History of the Times of the Kings of Judah - 1Kings 14:29; 1Kings 15:7, 23; 1Kings 22:45
    Book of the Kings of Israel - 1Chr 9:1; 2Chr 20:34
    Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel - 2Chr 16:11
    Book of Records of Ancestors - Ezra 4:15
    Book of Genealogical Enrollment - Neh 7:5
    Book of the History of the Times - Neh 12:23; Esther 2:23; 6:1; 10:2
    The Commands of Esther - Esther 9:32
    Pronouncement against Egypt - Isa 30:8
    Jeremiahs' Book of Calamity - Jer 51:60
    Book of Remembrance - Mal 3:16
    Book of Prophets - Acts 7:42
    Some other book reference to Jannes and Jambres - 2 Tim 3:8
    Book of Enoch (implied) - Jude 14


  • cofty
    In 1 Corinthians Paul refers to his previous letter - "In my letter I wrote..."
  • Splash

    There's also discussion if Mt 12:24 is a reference to the Testament of Solomon, specifically the 'magic' ring/seal he was supposed to have possessed.
    (Matthew 12:24) .At hearing this, the Pharisees said: “This fellow does not expel the demons except by means of Be·elʹze·bub, the ruler of the demons.” 

    In his response to this accusation, Jesus describes himself as being greater than Solomon:
    (Matthew 12:42) The queen of the south will be raised up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solʹo·mon. But look! something more than Solʹo·mon is here.

    Also (Titus 1:12) A certain one of them, their own prophet, said: “Creʹtans are always liars, injurious wild beasts, idle gluttons.” Seems to reference a work of poetry - Some suggest Epimenides.
  • freemindfade
    Is it Jude 14 that quotes the book of enoch?
  • leaving_quietly

    There's also the letter to the Laodicean congregation.

    And when this letter has been read among you, arrange for it also to be read in the congregation of the La·o·di·ceʹans and for you also to read the one from La·o·di·ceʹa. (Col 4:16)

  • Perry
    If a bible writer / scribe refers to a particular book text or scripture by name , for one reason or another, shouldn`t that be a legitimate reason for including it in the bible cannon as a part of the bible ?

    Not necessarily. Some books were simply history books available during that time period. I own the Book of Jasher, and it sheds some more light on the extent of wickedness in pre-flood times. Interesting, but I take it with a grain of salt. Interesting nonetheless. 

  • opusdei1972
    The Bible is a collection of books compiled by men, and inspired by men.
  • smiddy

    That is some list Splash , I was not  aware their were so many.

    That`s  an interesting one cofty , reading that would have just gone over my head.

    freemindfade , that is one I thought of.

    Leaving _quietly , that is another interesting one , or actually two.

    Perry , you say " Some books were simply history books available during that time period." Can not that also be said for a lot of what is written in the Bible ? and still taken as the inspired word of God ?

    2 Tim.3:16 says in part " All scripture is inspired by God " etc.etc.

       So my reasoning is that if these other texts/scriptures/writings are quoted by inspired bible writers under the direction of Holy Spirit then their is no justification for leaving them out of the Bible cannon .

       They have a legitimate  place in the Bible.

       The problem as I see it is , imperfect humans are the ones that determined what books / writings were to be determined as the authentic word of God .

       The God defined by the four hebrew consonants , YHWH , Jehovah , Yahweh , or whoever ,  obviously had nothing to do with 

    what books were to make up the Bible as we have it today.

        It was not until  3 or 4 centuries after Christ that men , imperfect humans decided what books should be included in  the  Bible cannon and what should be left out.

    God had nothing to do with it.

    Imperfect human beings had their own agenda for selecting what was to be considered scriptures inspired by God and what was not ,giving us the Bible we have today , with of course the variations of  certain religions such as , but not limiting to  Eastern Orthodox ,Russian Orthodox ,Roman Catholics , Protestants ,etc.etc.

    opusdei1972 , I think we are on the same wavelength


  • myelaine

    dear smiddy....

    you said: "Imperfect human beings had their own agenda for selecting what was to be considered scriptures inspired by God and what was not ,giving us the Bible we have today"...

    it's also possible that God desired to focus on the doctrine of the faith and was present in whittling down the books to be chosen as the christian canon. (1 timothy 1:3-4; 1 timothy 2:4-5,7; 1 timothy 3:14-15; 1 timothy 4:6; 1 timothy 4:13; 1 timothy 4:16...)

    perhaps those books not included aren't profitable for teaching the christian doctrine.

    love michelle <3

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