That is some list Splash , I was not aware their were so many.
That`s an interesting one cofty , reading that would have just gone over my head.
freemindfade , that is one I thought of.
Leaving _quietly , that is another interesting one , or actually two.
Perry , you say " Some books were simply history books available during that time period." Can not that also be said for a lot of what is written in the Bible ? and still taken as the inspired word of God ?
2 Tim.3:16 says in part " All scripture is inspired by God " etc.etc.
So my reasoning is that if these other texts/scriptures/writings are quoted by inspired bible writers under the direction of Holy Spirit then their is no justification for leaving them out of the Bible cannon .
They have a legitimate place in the Bible.
The problem as I see it is , imperfect humans are the ones that determined what books / writings were to be determined as the authentic word of God .
The God defined by the four hebrew consonants , YHWH , Jehovah , Yahweh , or whoever , obviously had nothing to do with
what books were to make up the Bible as we have it today.
It was not until 3 or 4 centuries after Christ that men , imperfect humans decided what books should be included in the Bible cannon and what should be left out.
God had nothing to do with it.
Imperfect human beings had their own agenda for selecting what was to be considered scriptures inspired by God and what was not ,giving us the Bible we have today , with of course the variations of certain religions such as , but not limiting to Eastern Orthodox ,Russian Orthodox ,Roman Catholics , Protestants ,etc.etc.
opusdei1972 , I think we are on the same wavelength