Welcome Cognac! Whatever you decide to do, know this: there is life outside of the Watchtower, and you are not an evil, despicable person for chafing under the heavy-handed authoritarianism that the elites of this religion impose on the rank-and-file members such as yourself.
I'm a Pioneer Married To a Wonderful Brother Reaching Out to be an MS...
by cognac 216 Replies latest jw experiences
..Welcome to the board!..............
Welcome to the boards-
always remember that your questions and arguments are logical and worthy of an answer-
Don't let anybody convince you that they don't or that something is wrong with you for having these concerns-
You're a strong person for analyzing these things- not weak. No amount of "personal study" will answer some of your valid questions. The suggestion was made to me and I now see it's just a method of distraction from what's really important.
Welcome to the board, Cognac. I hope you find the answers you are searching for.
Lots of good posts. I will echo that you check out Randy's site:
After I left and accidently found Randy's site, I sat on there for two whole days, just reading. It was unbelievable how I was getting all the answers I needed, and be prepared for the emotion that goes along with it. I left before they changed the whole 1914 generation doctrine. I only discovered that they changed it 6 years later. Because I wasn't going to meetings, I didn't know they had changed it. And here I was prepared anyday to die at Armageddon.
After I discovered they had changed that, I was really pissed off. It's like I had learned that the name for the color yellow was red. Since I was a child, I was taught that armageddon was going to come before the Generation of 1914 died. After discovering that I was taught a lie for almost 20 years, I was furious. Not only did they change the doctrine, but they blamed US for believing it!
Anyway I wish you well in your journey. There's a lot of stuff to learn, so don't be afraid to take a break when you need it. -
Welcome :) I was a Witness for almost 40 years before I decided to leave. Leaving didn't mean I had to hate Witnesses, just that it wasn't for me. What I have learned is that since I made that decision, I feel so much more control over my own life. The stress of blocking out doubt (which I didn't even realize I was doing) is gone. The stress of being judged all the time is gone. At first I thought I must find a replacement religion, but later decided that's not necessary. If I do, that's fine, but it's not a requirement for leaving. I believe that if there really is a loving God, he wouldn't require the odd, confusing and stressful worship that Witnesses are expected to deliver. Life is good.
First of all, welcome.
Second of all, there is plenty of time to make up your mind what to do, because
the end is not imminent. That means you can slow down and keep some doubts
and questions between just you and your husband- and us and the anonymous
internet.Third, if you both have serious questions, it will take quite a while to really learn
how you may have been misled. You might mention to your husband that he
may not want to be a MS, and you may not want to pioneer. It's easy enough to
back out/avoid those. -
Wow, thank-you so much for all of your replys...
I just feel so disorientated about everything. I've already asked so many people things, I'm surprised I'm not already in trouble. I thought you could only get in trouble if you "teach" different things... I didn't know it was such a big issue to "ask" questions. I guess I just avoid getting in huge trouble because a little more careful in:
A) Asking elders these questions and careful of which other people I ask these to
B) Only asking certain family members because the rest get mad.
C) I've now realized my questions can only be about certain questions... For example, I get in a lot of trouble about the blood question.
But, anyways, they still can't really answer my questions anymore and was told that it would be good to wait on the society. That doesn't help... Anyways, if they were to ever disfellowship me because I ask questions that would raise this into a HUGE issue that I don't think they would have an easy time dealing with.
Cognac. Welcome.
Is all I can say when I read your post is "been there done that." It is a very very painful process. Once you unravel one "supposed" truth they all come unraveled. You are at the beginning of a very painful trip. Good luck to you.
Also, thanks for all of your advise and support. I am planning on stopping pioneering in August because:
A) I don't want to because of obvious reasons.
B) My husband and I are thinking about having a baby.
My brain right now feels so overloaded, thanks for letting me talk...