Just wondering if any of you ever decided to report any kind of abuse, however small an incident it was.
Tonight I reported an incident of 20 years ago to the Authorities.
A man came up to me in London on the pretense that he was recruiting for Christian Dior and to cut a long story short we arranged to meet the next day for an interview. A few pervy questions and his general demeanor convinced me not to attend "the interview". I felt stupid, slightly dirty but ultimately that I'd escaped a situation that could've been dangerous.
The police probably wont do anything with the information but you never know what it could lead to. If I ever saw him again I believe I would recognise him.
I feel strongly that all cases of predatory action should be reported, however small.
One of my relatives was abused by an elder when she was 6 years old and she will not report him - as far as I know he is still active in her old congregation, old, but active (and who knows how many others he abused). I respect her reasons for this choice but I don't agree that it's the right thing to do.
Have You Ever Reported An Abuser?
by sweet pea 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
sweet pea
I agree with you Sweetpea.
When i was 12 i was at my grandmothers house, and it was the day of my grandfathers funeral. My aunts husband came up to me and pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the lips. Before that he had always been a bit touchy feely but i didnt have that much to do with him or my aunt. Fortunately it didnt go any further as my mum saw him do it and the next time he tried to approach me she blocked his way and he got the message. I did tell my dad but he is the kind of guy that doesnt like to upset people so he did nothing.
Anyway i had the opportunity to speak to my aunt recently (she's df'd, has been since i was a baby, so i didnt really have much contact with her before now) and i told her what happened. It felt good getting it out in the open. Needless to say she was shocked, she wanted to know why my dad never said or did anything. She's divorced from the guy now but i thought she needed to know and he may have tried it on with others too.
I did so when I was 20 and just a month prior to the statute of limitations deadline.
My viewpoint is that one must attempt to prosecute if they are able to handle it.
I reported sexual abuse at work.
SWEET PEA- Good thread subject. Way too many people, especially in the Jehovah's Witness organization make the HUGE mistake of not reporting child abuse to the authorities or in the case of witnesses to the elders. I have never had to report anybody abusing anybody , but there was a eye opening experience I witnessed in 1998 while still a witness.
I had just started going to this congregation, didn't know anybody . And after the Watchtower study was over , a middle aged brother ran up to the stage , grabbed the microphone from the elder conducting , and yelled out, " Brother so and so sitting over there is a child molester and if you brothers and sisters love your children you will protect them from him. He has molested many children before. " Immediately, the Watchtower conductor grabbed the microphone from this brother and said, " We are handling the situation brothers and have it under control. " The child abuser did end up getting disfellowshipped and sent to jail.
But it wasn't until years later after getting out of the organization did I understand why the brother who got up on the stage to shout out about the molester did it in that way. Because of the cover ups by the Watchtower society- he probably figured it was the only way the situation would be taken care of, or made known. Once I later was informed, I understood, and looked at the brother yelling it out to the congregation as my new hero of the day ! It took courage to do that! Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
Yep. More than once, actually. Just a couple days ago, I reported a guy who was caught and convicted on dateline to catch a predator, as he was online whining, and it's likely one of the conditions of his probation that he's not on the net. So I reported it to the DOJ.
Yes once I have. I felt this was too serious for dealing with elders who have no experience in this regard..and besides being a criminal offense,went right to the rcmp. Its something I will never regret doing.
I was molested by my uncles when i was a child. They were not witnesses. It happened from the time i was a baby until i was about 8. I never told anyone. Years later i found out that these same uncles had been hurting 4 of my other cousins. All that time i had thought that i was the only one. When i found out that they had done that to the others.. it killed me. Especially the thought of them hurting my baby cousins.. whom i adored : (. Long story short i got together with the other cousins and we reported it to the police.. later going to court and testifying. Both of the uncles went to prison. It was a very difficult time for us all. But we got through it.
I was abused for years by a MS. I reported it - made a huge "fuss over it". By the time I started filing charges the whole state we lived in knew what was going wrong and what had happened; And the perp and wife decided to move out of state & I went to the new congregation they were attending and warned people not to let their children around him. I even took it to the Watchtower Headquarters and talked with some of the GB about it.( I have some connections that made this very easy to do) Yes... I was NOT going to let another pediphille get away with their sick behavior. My hometown congregation was more laid back about it compared to the other congregations/COs and the GB but I finally got the justice I needed.
Back in 1990 I had a friend who was my fishing buddy, we were really good friends. We had decided that we with his girlfriend would roommate together. So we went looking for a place to rent. It was about a week after we had moved into our new place and a friend of theirs asked them if they would watch her daughter. That evening she wanted to take a bath so he went into the bathroom and started her water. At the time I was talking to my mother on the phone and I had told my mother that they were in the bathroom for a long time. My mom was freaking out and told me to pay attention to what was going on. So that night when I went to bed I left my bedroom door open and decided to lay in wait and see if anything would happen. It was not even an hour after going to bed that I had heard my door being closed.
So I waited for a few minutes and got up and very carefully opened my door and tip toed down the hall, when I peaked around the corner I seen him there with a flashlight and her blanket up , he had his finger in her. He heard me so I went back to bed and that next mourning I packed my belongings and called the police. He spent 5 years for that and then I had heard that when he got out he offended again and is now still in prison. Right where he belongs.