Does anyone have any good memories at all of beng raised a JW? The cong I was brought up in was a different one to the ones we were in when we got married. Growing up the meetings were a great social event for all us kids. We used to have the book study at our house for many many years there were about 25 -30 of us and everyone used to bring food for afterwards and stayed for an hour or so and us kids about 10 of us around the same age used to be able to go and play outside run around etc.
As we grew up and we all hit teenage years we used to go up to my bedroom and play music chat and have a good gossip. This was what we lookded forward to the bookk study was just a means to an end and it was a long hour till it finished.
We used to also have regular get togethers played party games and generally had a good time. The people that were in then were genuinly lovely people who were convinced they were in the right religion.And when I see them on occasions now they haven't changed much, stll lovely genuine people.
However in the later years and we moved congs as we moved about after we were married I could see a definite difference. It bred a bunch of holier than thow bigots who are only interested in absolute control no genuine love or concern for the so called lowly in the congs. If you aren't in the elders clique then heaven help you.
Has anyone else noticed a difference over the years?