Has Anybody Seen This Site?
by freydi 15 Replies latest jw friends
I have bookmarked it - thanks
Clickable link for everyone.
Aparrently they are not a cult, but a sect of Adventism. Coulda fooled me.
Whats all that crap about BigWigs and important people. I thought jesus said he who wants to be first shall be last??
Lady Lee
I was just scanning around and found this
Jehovah's Witness Discussion
Simon Green's board, usually referenced as JWD, is probably the best and most active on the Internet/Web today. Since March 23, 2000, it has served as a valuable forum for active and past Jehovah's Witnesses and for others. The board has a great interface and the quality of information and participants is very high. You can also browse the postings (except the private ones) without having to register which is a feature I really like.
Please note, that the vast majority of regular posters are moderately to highly critical of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Organization thus the site is severely lacking in balance. There is also a tendency for the few pro-JW posters to receive a lot of criticism and sometimes personal attacks by other (regular) posters. It is assumed that there are a good number of active Jehovah's Witnesses who merely lurk and who do not participate. Despite these flaws, JWD is highly recommended for anyone wishing to check out a forum.I'm surprised they mention JWD at all.
Wow That's cool Lady Lee, Thanks for the info
Awesome - thank you.