Just supposing I was thinking of emigrating to Australia..

by katiekitten 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    Brinjen, thank you, thats really good information. And thanks for the link. I filled in a form this morning on a website I THOUGHT was the Australian Immigration service, but turned out to be a private company with a name cunningly similar! Still, I got a free points assessment and will get a free discussion with an immigration type chap, but I guess it will lead up to them selling me a service I probably dont need yet. Silly me!!

  • WingCommander


    I'm with you! I've loved Australia since I was a little child and my dream vacation is to go there for 3 weeks and explore most of the country. I would love to live in or near Sydney. I have a step-son though that keeps us from up and moving. I'd also consider living in Portland, Oregon or Vancouver, Canada.

    Worst thing about Australia: Funnel Spiders and Brown Snakes. Both highly venomous. But then again, we have Black Widows, Brown Recluse Spiders, Copperheads, Rattlesnakes here in the Northeast USA, so you are really just trading one type of poison for another. Oh...and those freakin jellyfish....the most deadly, painful creature in the world is that one tiny jellyfish there in Australia.


    Wing Commander

  • fokyc


    Information here:


    I have PM'd you.


  • Calico Ethel
    Calico Ethel


    I moved from the US to the UK last year...it's been the BEST move I ever made. But I have to be honest and tell you that it was quite difficult and expensive. I'm not sure exactly what it would cost you to move to Australia from the UK, but I think one of the major mistakes I made when moving over here was that I didn't plan things correctly, which ultimately ended in me not being able to bring my cat with me and she ended up being put to sleep last month, so if I can make any suggestions, the one thing would be to get all the facts and costs for EVERYTHING!!! Because even what may seem like the easiest and smallest thing may be really difficult and expensive. For instance, I didn't know what I would have to pay for my marriage visa, and I still am not sure of the cost of becoming a citizen, becoming a dual citizenship person. I also haven't found out what the tax laws are in the US, I heard that I still have to pay taxes even if I no longer live there, which means I would have to deny my US citizenship, which would be difficult for me, but these are just some of the things that I have found out to be a little challenging. And since you have a child, then I would think there would be a lot more that you would have to find out, like for schooling, etc.

    In any case, I hope it all works out for you in the end. I have found it to be exhilarating to make a move like that, to a completely different country than what I'm used to, also because I have the most wonderful husband in the entire world! Good luck to you KK.


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