Went to AA meeting last night

by digderidoo 29 Replies latest jw friends


    LOL!!@Oompa!...........AA has a stigma???..Thats just crazy!..I`ve heard it works,when nothing else will..Anybody that goes to AA,should be "Applauded" for taking charge of their life..ApplauseApplause................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • JK666


    It might be time for your next lesson.


  • katiekitten

    LMAO @ Oompa. Its not a laughing matter naughty boy!

  • worldtraveller

    Perhaps one day if you could hang around (while sober) a bunch of heavy drinkers and watch themselves drink their lives down the toilet. My parents were heavy-HEAVY-drinkers and I watched themselves as a child and a teen and it was an eye opener. From falling over drunk to excessive violence, it made me sick. I couldn't wait to become independent financially to get out of this hell hole.

    I also passed by ocasionally our "skid row" and it floored me as to just what happens to people who cannot control themselves.

    Open your eyes and close your pocketbook. Here in our province, liquor is so expensive I find it not to be part of my life anymore.

    Although it is great to go to an AA meeting, you need to convince yourself that you can live without it. If you cannot moderate seriously, you should quit. Increase your respect of self, and make a positive step to your well being.

    Good luck to all here.

  • jaguarbass

    I went to AA for 7 years and had 5 years of serenity without taking a drink. It was very beautiful. Peace on earth. Then I stopped whether thats falling off the wagon or allowing the good things I learned in AA to take me back out.

    When I was growing up in the 60's and 70's the culture in my part of Amerika was to do just as you describe go to a bar/club have a good time drink as much as you can until its time to go home. Because once people like us start drinking the evenings over when we stop. I fall asleep when I stop. So once I start I keep drinking so I have life in me.

    As far as I can tell today great numbers of people get toasted on the weekend. And then for many the weekend spills over into the week.

    I remember when I was a young witness I and other witnesses I new thought nothing of drinking a 6 pack after work every night.

    AA works if you work it. But like anything else in life you have to fight for the things you want.

    Drinking messes up my thinking and thats a theme I heard at AA. I always see the glass half empty when I'm drinking. When you go to AA the glass becomes half full. I was always a High bottom drunk.

    Which means I am misseable no matter how good life is, when I'm drinking.

    And when I'm drinking means however many days its been since I've been to an AA meeting, which is probalbly about 15 years right now.

    So like they always said at 301, that was my group, It works if you work it, and if you dont want to work it suffer you bastard.

    I've been suffering.

    I did note that to me AA is a culture similar to being a witness. AA discourages extracurricular friends, people who are not in the program. And I had/have a wife who is an earthling and wanted to maintain that relationship.

    AA differs from the witnesses in that they dont offer a carrot on a stick in front of your nose. They dont tell you If you dont drink for your whole life when you die , you will go to heaven.

    They tell you if you dont drink today you will have heaven here on earth today. And I know many do, I had it for 5 years and that helps me understand how Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. How Pandora opened the forbidden box.

    Because sometimes heaven and paradise gets boring and you need a little Devil inside.

  • Abandoned
    Yesterday i decided to phone the aa and so attended a meeting last night where i found to my surprise many people who were going through the same process as me but had decided not to carry on turning to drink.

    Awesome! It's so helpful to be around people who understand. I hope you find a program that works for you and are able to enjoy your life.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Post on. There are others here going to AA. I am one of them.

    I was required to go over 20 years ago when I was still in the military.
    I stopped going to be a JW, they were plenty distraction enough from
    my problems that I hardly ever stumbled.

    In 2007, I knew that I would have to go back to AA. I did, and I attend
    maybe 4 times a month.

  • digderidoo

    Just taking a look through my old posts and this one stood out to me and want to say hi to everyone who remembers me.

    For anybody who may be going through this issue, please be assured that there is life after alcohol and religion. I'm now half way through a law degree and moving into teaching/lecturing. Can't believe it was only 3 years ago i wrote this post.


  • Stealth

    You have to respect other religions opening up their doors to groups like AA & NA. If you struggle with a problem like this with the JWs all you get is kicked to the curb.

    This was one of the early signs to me that JWs were not true christians. They are more worried about their own image than to help hurting souls.

  • JeffT

    Congratulations Paul. I 'm glad to hear things are coming together.

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