Anyone read the book "Was Jesus Married?&q...

by Judith 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Judith

    I was given this book by a psychiatrist 30 years ago. The thought behind the book was that Jesus would not have stayed single and they gave the reasons why. Now that I am looking for more insight into religion, I would like to have the book again. It is out of print and no one has been able to locate it for me. Any suggestions where I could obtain a copy?

    The book was thrown away when I had the "extreme privilege" of entertaining 10 couples from the congregation. The women descended upon my book shelves and pulled out books that would "just have to go." Not proper for a witness to have. They went through my honeymoon album and were horrified at some of the pictures and said they would have to go. No proper for a witness to have. "How would I feel if an elder saw those pictures?" me in bikinis, nothing more, nothing less. I know, I know. How did I give into such pressure. But I did and the pictures and negatives are gone and so are many of my books.

    Any info on "Was Jesus Married" book will be appreciated.

  • Fredhall

    Revelation 19 chpt will give an answer. However, while earth he was never married. He would be a fool to do so. Why? Only fools fall in love.

  • expatbrit


    Going to and typing "was jesus married" in the search by title box brings up three results for a book entitled "Jesus was married", by Ogden Kraut.

    You may be able to purchase one of these three copies, if still available.


  • Judith


    Okay I read Rev 19 as you suggested. "Marriage of the Lamb..."

    He was a Jew and, by law, Joseph would have had to arrange his son's marriage. And probably by the age of 16. Would have anyone listened to him if he had not followed the Jewish Law? The Bible says nothing of him from age 12-30. Perhaps he married and it was Mary Magdalene?

    What say you Fred?

  • Judith


    Thanks for the info and I will check it out. The book I am looking for is authored by William E. Phipps and written in the early 70's.

    Your help is appreciated.

  • Fredhall


    You are right, the bible does not mentioned Jesus life between 12-30. However, the bible mentioned Jesus life between 30-33 and it never suggested that he was married.

  • Judith


    Since Joseph and Mary followed Jewish law, I don't know why they would not have done their duty by contracting marriage for Jesus.

    And Rabbis were requred to be married. Was he not called Rabbi?

    Just because there is no mention of it doesn't mean that Jesus went against the Jewish law. Perhaps his being married was of no importance to the message. And aren't you just a bit curious about what he did from age 12 to 30? Hmmmmmmm?

  • Judith


    Is the Greek word for woman and wife the same? Mary is referred to as a woman who followed Jesus, can it then be translated "wife?"

  • patio34

    Hi Judith,

    I did a search for the author on and came up with 'out-of-print, limited availability.' You may be able to purchase a copy from them.


  • closer2fine

    I'm still looking for it, but you could place a request for it at this link:

    Some of his other books are:
    The Wisdom & Wit of Rabbi Jesus
    Paul Against Supernaturalism
    The Sexuality of Jesus
    Assertive Biblical Women

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