Hi All,
I am both new to this forum and new to the Jehovah's Witness Organization. I am currently about half way through the 'What Does The Bible Really Teach?" and have been attending both Sunday Services and Ministerial School for 3 months.
My biggest problem is that, being a researcher by nature, "verifying that all things are true," I have also been researching the Organization which has stumbled me greatly. I am aware and have read the Guardian expose of the Witnesses dated October 8, 2001, http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,,4272231-103690,00.html, the followup dated October 15, 2001, Paul Gillies reply of October 22, 2001 and the letter sent out to the congregations should anyone inquire dated November 1, 2001. http://www.randytv.com/secret/fordecades.htm
Coming forward, I have found UN involvement with 20 sister related NGOs as current as Sept-Oct 2007 which indicates that there is still UN activity and have found evidence that there association as an NGO dates back to 1972. If I am understanding the statutes right, the NGO option was not available until 1968. Everything presented or in archive at the UN is being done for an excellent reason--remove religious persecution, make gov'ts aware of the mistreatment of the Witnesses, and allow religious teaching in areas where banned.
When I inquired to my teacher the things I was finding, she would not look at them, reiterited that I should not have gone looking on the internet for information, that it is all apostate and I should trust in the teachings of the Bible and Watchtower. When I got real upset with her for passing my concerns off she has now brought another book over to my lessons that talk about Satan being involved in every organization, the Witnesses included. I should clarify here that when I first inquired about the UN involvement, 2 teachers, both long-timers in the truth denied that it existed. And as of last night, my husband started Bible classes, expressed his concern for me, over the info I was finding and was also told there was no UN involvement.
Now that I have vented, my question is Why?? Why do they keep information from their members? Why do they lie about it and try to cover it up? If they are beating Satan at his own game using his instruments, the UN, to be able to proclaim the good news world wide, why do they feel they have to hide it? When is it ever right for a teacher to lie, knowing or unknowing, to their student?
Thanks for listening. Any insight is greatly appreciated.