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by JK666 17 years ago 16 Replies latest 17 years ago jw friends
John just made me take a bath, just because I was muddy and smelled like a dog. He can be such an @$$hole!
Awww, what a cute/sad face ... LOL
Awwwwww, poor Simba!! But, half the fun is when you are all done and get to run around the house like a MAD DOG to dry off!!
LOL.....what a cute dog!
I know my favorite part of the bath is running around the house like a mad woman to dry off.
It's your turn for a bath now! I'll get the water ready.
You dirty dirty dog you.
Awww John - he's so cute.... here Simba Simba, here doggy.... ok down boy! Good Doggy!
I want bubbles!
No problem with the bubbles. I'll even be your personal loofah boy.
Simba looks sad - but there is a distinct look of REVENGE in those eyes!!!
Be afraid John...
Be VERY afraid........