Your Employment - Have you Been Stressed Mentally or Hurt Physically ?

by flipper 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    I worked for the county health department for 18 years, advanced to a supervisory position, and had to give it up due to extreme stress.

    I was the primary caregiver to our mother who was very difficult. I worked quite a distance from her, and when I would call to check on her, she wouldn't answer the phone. I would freak out thinking about what may have gone wrong. I would leave work, drive the distance to check on her, and find her sitting there looking at me as if I was crazy. I tell you, this nearly drove me out of my mind.

    I resigned the position and took a drastic cut in pay. I'm now in a pretty quiet place; my boss thinks I'm the greatest; I have two more years before I'm vested. Life is pretty good.


  • JWdaughter

    I had a hideous boss when I worked apt. mgt. She went through assistants like TP, and treated us that way also.She screeched, yelled at residents, hateful to new applicants, lectured me about sleeping with residents in front of 2 other employees as if I was 'guilty' of it. I wasn't. We had a 5 min conversation in the parking lot about my husbands service in the military, since he had noticed my military sticker, and he was military too. I really needed the job and put up with it for about 4 mos. (about 3 mos longer than anyone else lasted!)Then I quit. At the same job, I cleaned apts (done the cleaning work myself!) and when using easy off managed to horribly burn my hand with the stuff (chemical). I am looking at the ugly scar as I write this.

    Another job I tripped and fell on my head. I think I lost a few IQ points in that one, plus I knocked my back out of joint. The only stress with that-my boss was paranoid about Work comp claims as he has been massively burned by someone taking advantage, so he kept making snide remarks(even when the paramedics were helping me, and in front of a customer). I knew what was going on with that, and I love the little bugger, so I let it pass, but I still felt bad for the 3 dr. visits I had to make until all the bumps bruises and pain went away enough to say I was good to go with no lasting effects.

    I was lucky in a lot of things. My biggest injuries came from birthing my children. So they were worth it! Scars from the first Csection is hideous though.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    A 300mm (12") one of these fell on my head once:

    OUCH is an understatement

    Another time, I had a tiny hole in my protective gloves and I got a spot of 77% sulphuric acid on my finger. First I knew about it was that it itched so I washed the spot thoroughly. It was to no avail - within a week, my flesh was gone almost down to the bone. I developed mild industrial asthma from being sensitised to some of the dyes I worked with, this has vastly improved since I left the industry, I only have problems if I get a chest infection now. I've worked with some very nasty chemicals including known carcinogens - any possible effects yet to be seen but hopefully not. My final job within the dyeing/chemical industry was only marred in the final 3 years where I ended up working for a boss who always demanded more and more work from me and treated me less than acceptably.

    In my current job which I've done for four years, I just have stress!!

  • eclipse

    Yikes, Sad Emo!

    Here is to a better job in your near furture!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Thanks eclipse

    The job I have now is good because I'm in a business partnership with folks who I know, so if I get over stressed, at least I'm able to have a good rant at them! I'd still rather not get stressed at all though!

    I loved the dyeing/chemical industry but the risks were very high (as you see lol!). I was very fortunate when the wrench got me - it hit me towards the back of my head. If it had landed another couple of inches forward, my skull would probably have been smashed. Phew!!

  • flipper

    BRINJEN- I'm glad you got back to a supermarket job where there is less stress. Sounds like the job you left at the communications company was the " job from hell", as far as stress goes. Hope things level out for you sis !

    DODISGOD- Wow! Don't know if I want to fly again after reading all you have been through ! You deserve I think the award of the year for everything you have endured, my god. What a sressful job ! Hope you can retire soon- and get some rest.

    LOUBELLE- Paper cuts hurt ! I've had them too ! I know having to meet deadlines is stressfuland having to get things done in a hurry can also elevate your blood pressure . I've had rush jobs before and it is always stressful.

    JUNCTION GUY- I can only imagine the stress you go through working in a jail !

    DISMEMBERED- I'm glad you can let your son's do the work for you and get some rest at your house. I'm envious ! Peace.

    ROLLING ROCK- I imagine a train operator job would be very stressful !

    JAGUAR BASS- I know you have a hard gig there friend. You have my empathy guy 1 Hope you can retire soon. But until you do, don't let those young guys beat you up or give you any more bruises in the meantime .

    BFD- Scraping gum off the ground? What kind of sadistic employer did you have ? LOL!

    UNDECIDED- I'm glad you had a stress free work environment. You were lucky- not many do. Computers, good stuff to be relaxed at while working.

    DORKTACULAR- I hope you can continue working at a job where your back won't get stressed . Hang in there.

    SNOWBIRD- I bet there was lots of stress working for the health department ! And I can only imagine how taking care of your mom might have been stressful as well. Glad you work someplace quiet now !

    JW DAUGHTER- You have certainly had your share of stresses and struggles haven't you ? Wow! But you seem to have come through it pretty good like a cat with 9 lives or something ! Good for you ! Children certainly are worth the pain. Glad you made it through everything.

    SAD EMO- A monkey wrench on the head? Owch ! Seriously painful. Dealing with nasty chemicals is dangerous. I hope you will be O.K. in the future , with no lasting effects.

    ECLIPSE - I second your comment ! Hope Sad Emo is O.K

  • dinah

    Mr. Flipper, if I weren't way down in Bama I would come and work for you. Would Mrs. Flipper hang out with me?

  • flipper

    DINAH- Hey you are a young strong lady. We would love to come out and have you hang with my wife , and I could always use help on jobs ! Hey, better still, my wife and I are getting an apostafest going at Lake Tahoe July 4th weekend in California. Maybe you can come out, some people are letting me know if they can come. It's in the Sierra mountains, pretty ! I will bump the thread up so you can see who is thinking of coming ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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