On Wednesday changeling curled up on her purplesofa and contemplated life. She had just taken a dip in the ocean and swam with her pet dolphin, flipper. When she got out, she dryed herself off with a fluffy Terry cloth towel.
She recalled the period of time she was OnTheWayOut of the WT. She suffered a compound complex and she had reached the conclusion that she was nvrgnbk.
At one time in her life, she had been full of PioneerSpit and she had almost married BillytheBethelite, but she discovered that he was a BFD.
She once fancied a warlock, but he Abandoned her, and turned out to be a dawg.
She then met a return visitor to her local congregation. He turned out to be averyniceguy and had very sweetstuff. One day he said: "Hey blondie, will you marry me?" They went oneacruise, and now their LifeIsGrand. To this day he is stillanexjwelder.
She had always been a good jw-daughter. When she thought about her childhood she tended to feel she had had a Horrible Life, then she realized "I feel this way cuz my momzcrazy". Be that as it may, she decided to journey-on.
She held a series of icky jobs, the worst of which was as a gopher to a wanderlustguy. It had left her with an uncontrollable Twitch.
In all Honesty, she was an outofthebox thinker and she had discovered many untruths about the WT that caused her to remain Awake&Watching.
At noon she decided it was BurgerTime, but settled for restrangled chicken. If she kept this up she would soon be FadingAway.
She found herself going candidlynuts.
She had an epiphany: she would have nomoreguilt. In time, this lead to achieving mentalclearness.
She decided to take a nap. When she Awakened she found she was StillGroggy.
She once thought she’d be a freedomfighter and bring down the WT. But then she was undecided, so she ended up quietlyleaving.