What Do You Think Was The Best Movie in 2007?
by new boy 25 Replies latest jw friends
"Hairy Pooter and the Sorcerers Bone"
Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End
and Transformers
The Bourne Ultimatum
Transformers was atrocious, my rule of thumb is that I can only suspend disbelief so much for any movie. I really loved Pirates of the Carribean because I only had to say "OK there's pirates who are under a curse" the rest was fairly believable. Then in the sequels I had to say to myself "OK this is a Disney movie". Davey Jones essentially being a big squid man made it impossible for me to be intimidated by him. And one of the scariest moments of the first movie when the Pirate finds Kiera Knightly and says "Hello Bobbit" was turned into a cute-fuzzy nickname in the very next movie. Disney's habit of turning all characters that have a twinge of likeablity into good guys. Gah, I hate Disney for ruining that franchise. I forget the actual date the movie came out, but Sicko was the best movie I saw this year. The Bucket List while reaching for sentimentality a bit too much was still pretty good.
The Bourne Ultimatum and Control. I can't decide between the two.
I've only seen a few movies last year. I really love Superbad.
Here are some others:
The Host
Hot Fuzz
The Last Mimzy
The Golden Compass -
Transformers was atrocious, my rule of thumb is that I can only suspend disbelief so much for any movie. I really loved Pirates of the Carribean because I only had to say "OK there's pirates who are under a curse" the rest was fairly believable. Then in the sequels I had to say to myself "OK this is a Disney movie". Davey Jones essentially being a big squid man made it impossible for me to be intimidated by him. And one of the scariest moments of the first movie when the Pirate finds Kiera Knightly and says "Hello Bobbit" was turned into a cute-fuzzy nickname in the very next movie. Disney's habit of turning all characters that have a twinge of likeablity into good guys. Gah, I hate Disney for ruining that franchise. I forget the actual date the movie came out, but Sicko was the best movie I saw this year. The Bucket List while reaching for sentimentality a bit too much was still pretty good.
For popcorn movies they were great. 2007 in my opinion was a bad year for movies 2008 look to just as bad.