is it ok if jehovah's wit...........

by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    jehovah's witnesses leave out and change words that appear in the original greek text because it does not fit doctrane ?

    are people/organisations that do this not cursed by Jehovah ?

  • cognac

    It says dont add anything or take anything away from the bible...

    I would say it depends on if they maliciously intended to do this or if they just made poor judgement calls/ decisions/ mistakes...

  • Gringa

    It's a funny thing about translation of a foreign language. You can interupt it a hundred different ways and the JWs had their own God inspired translation. OF course, interuptation of their God inspired translation continues on a daily basis. If they translated it and stuck to their beliefs that would be ONE thing, but, it is quite the other thing with them

  • OnTheWayOut

    They couldn't leave words out of the scriptures because it would be a matter of
    public scrutiny. They would have it pointed out by others. Instead, they just use
    their own bizarre twist of meanings and wordings to promote their doctrine.

    I sincerely believe that the Bible can be used to say just about anything. WTS is
    pretty good at twisting their doctrine around difficult texts and molding difficult
    scriptures into their doctrine.

    Their own literature clearly omits words and thoughts on quotes from experts and
    others. So, if they could do it, their Bible would do the same.

  • JK666

    I do beleive that the adding of the name Jehovah to the Greek scriptures is a blatant addition. And it is as "not okay" as them sodomizing their young boys and girls.


  • dogisgod

    Gee, I don't know. If you go to Mexico you can go to a restaurant and order a "perro caliente" or a "hot dog". "Perro caliente" is a literal translation which really means "dog in heat". Depends on your appetite I guess.

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    they have left complete words out even though it appears in the greek manuscript................. i have many for instance they left the words "of me" completly out of john 14:15 ............... check it out ... also many more .........

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    sorry john 14:14 dude not 15

  • WTWizard

    They alter key scriptures in the Bible to make it fit their beliefs. Not only that, but they twist the definitions of words to make everything else fit. You cannot argue with them since they will alter the definition of common words to make them fit their argument.

    No, it is not OK. And, not only is it scripturally wrong, but is practically wrong too. Doing that often leads them to unfair court victories, getting pedophiles off the hook, and even committing death threats, harassment, and whatever else they feel they can get away with. In court, they alter the definitions of words so they cannot be argued against, thus winning cases that they should have properly lost handily. Giving them the legal right to do whatever the fxxx they feel like doing, while depriving the victims any rights at all.

  • jaguarbass

    Personally, I say its not ok. But I dont think Jehober cares. If you havent noticed, he doesnt care about much of anything.

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