Guys, What's it like being one of girls?

by prophecor 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mastodon

    'Guys, What's it like being one of girls?'

    It's sexy! Specially when we borrow each other's satiny underwear and share make-up tips.

  • GoddessRachel

    So does Prophecor feel that he gets treated like one of the girls too much? And he wishes he wouldn't? Or the other way around, he's jealous of those guys who seem to be in the girlie clique somehow?

    Or am I way off?

    P.S. Could you please let me know what a "fag hag" is, changeling??? OK, I think I have an idea but I could be really off.


  • changeling

    Rachel: Did you ever see the sitcom "Will and Grace"? Will was gay and Grace was his best friend, their relashionship was like that of two women.

  • prophecor
    So does Prophecor feel that he gets treated like one of the girls too much? And he wishes he wouldn't?

    Nooooon Rachel thats not it. I actually feel rather honored as the guys often sit back on the sidelines and wonder, " Why do they enjoy talking to him? " Women, total strangers, when we connect in eye contact, they initiate speaking, it's almost like a secret clue. They can sense when your not viewing them as your next "Hero Sandwich" We lock eye to eye, and they almost instantly recognise that I'm viewing them as a human, and not an "Oh My God" look. The one where our jaw, usually, drops on the floor.

  • GoddessRachel
    So does Prophecor feel that he gets treated like one of the girls too much? And he wishes he wouldn't?

    Nooooon Rachel thats not it. I actually feel rather honored as the guys often sit back on the sidelines and wonder, " Why do they enjoy talking to him? " Women, total strangers, when we connect in eye contact, they initiate speaking, it's almost like a secret clue. They can sense when your not viewing them as your next "Hero Sandwich" We lock eye to eye, and they almost instantly recognise that I'm viewing them as a human, and not an "Oh My God" look. The one where our jaw, usually, drops on the floor.

    Well isn't that special? (I just said that in my best Dana Carvey doing the church lady voice, which isn't really very good at all, but I genuinely mean it! We women appreciate men like you who view us as the goddesses that we are.)

    Changeling, yes I have seen Will and Grace, thanks for the clarification. That's what I thought but I wasn't sure.


  • Reverend Warhawk
    Reverend Warhawk

    I saw Mastodon with a nice hot pink Victoria's Secret and he was hawt.

  • stillajwexelder

    Sorry no can do. I am too heterosexual. I just cant help looking at a woman and thinking "I wonder what she would be like in bed?"

  • Mincan

    Hmmm, if that's being heterosexual I must be asexual...

  • SirNose586

    I got that all too often. I have one sister and went to a school with a 2:1 girl to boy ratio. Not bad right? More or less. Due to the dubbishness, I never went after them as conquests. Even when I found out one had a crush on me, I didn't take the initiative. I kicked myself for not taking the advantage, but I used my dub upbringing as an out.

    Consequently I was popular in the easygoing way...everyone could talk to me...or if they didn't, at least nothing bad was said about me.

    I'm still not very threatening, so I know that from now on, it will take effort to slide out of the dangerous "friend zone."

  • Nosferatu

    I wouldn't know. I usually end up attracting every woman I try to be friends with :)

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