If you folks recall, a while back I went ballistic when my boys told me they were going to now ‘shun’ both their newly dis-fellowshipped friends because that is what the society said is the loving thing to do. SICK! Anyway, I informed the father of the two boys, an elder, that my younger unbaptized son (12) will no longer be studying or going to the meetings because I don’t want him to participate in or have his young mind twisted by such unscriptural teachings. I also challenged my wife, (a full blown dub) or anyone she knew, to prove to me from the Bible, and only the Bible, the validity of this shunning doctrine or for that matter the current policy on blood. I wrote a letter that IMHO totally shredded the shunning doctrine and handed it to my wife to deliver to this elder, and now, months latter, I think I’m about to get my medicine, (maybe).
Well I guess I could be mistaken, but somehow I doubt this is going to be a spiritual pep talk, more like a witch hunt me thinks, but who knows. What do you guys think? Yea that's what I thought too.
Well if I see it’s a no win situation, and if I can muster the nerve, I just may show this PO how the WTBTS has been in-bed with the scarlet beast for the past ten years. I have all the UN scandal stuff ready to shove in his face. Oh and my letter from the UN NOG/DPI section, the same as posted on this board, is a real letter, it came signed and in a real official UN envelope complete with the UN seal. And I also got a nice color brochure from them describing what an NGO/DPI associate is and their obligations to the UN. There will be no arguing that this is something made up, the UN maild it to me. I’ll keep you posted.
Wish me luck.
Freeman (saying in his best Clint Eastwood voice, ‘go ahead PO, make my day’)