Special announcement last night just for our area

by seek2find 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • truth.ceeker

    I take it that they cannot release any information as to their benefits when witnesses stay at the recommended hotels for fear of stumbling the flock. And in their eyes, that is more important than telling the truth.


  • momzcrazy

    Last year, our LAST, we stayed at the recommened hotel. It was horrible. ALL the Witnesses complained about it. On Saturday we called another hotel and paid $10 more for paradise in Evansville. When we walked in the front doors I swear I heard angels sing!

    Just stay where you want. Let's start a rebellion and nobody stay at the recommended hotel/motels.


  • blondie

    I wonder how they can enforce it. Post guards outside the forbidden hotels and take down names? Don't wear your badges for sure.

  • 5go

    What was the local needs that night.

  • Gregor

    This is good. This is the kind of crap that could be the straw that breaks the camels back with some individuals. This is outside the leaders spiritual/doctrinal role and is getting pretty close to telling them how to wipe their ass.

  • seek2find

    Blondie ask about enforcement: Last night is was implied that the elders would be meeting with those whom they found out were making rooming arrangements outside the recommended list. The letter is to be kept in the congregation file for future reference in such cases. seek2find

  • FadingAway
    Last night is was implied that the elders would be meeting with those whom they found out were making rooming arrangements outside the recommended list.

    you've got to be kidding me, but then I wouldn't be surprised. I figure I'm sacrificing my vacation time from work, making travel arrangements on my dime... I would tell them to kiss my you know what....

  • blondie

    So is this going to be a df offense, or just one for losing "privileges." So they are going to ask where they are staying and check up on them? Hmmmmmmmmm.................that will generate some bad attitudes. Like the hotels are going to tell them confidential information about someone staying there. And if so, then I would be writing a letter to the headquarters of that hotel chain for violating security. Time to attend a DC in another area. Visiting relatives, work schedule, or another reason to not go.

  • seek2find

    Blondie: That actually happened the way I understand. One of the non participating hotels provided a list of all convention delegates that stayed with them last year to the rooming department, to prove that they didn't need to participate in the "arrangement" in order to get the convention business. seek2find

  • blondie

    Time to be writing to the hotel chain administration. Or start using fake names, have a "wordly" friend or relative book the room for you.

    If they aren't elders, ms, pioneers, or are mike handlers....what could they lose. A verbal thrashing, just don't meet with them, it's not a dfing offense. I know one couple that stayed an hour away in a room with roaches and rats....they refused to stay another night and booked another hotel not on the list.

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