Correct me if you think I'm wrong but I don't think the meeting teach Witnesses anything they don't already know. "Getting reminders" is not learning anything new. It's all a re-hash.Reading a publication at home is no different than reading it in a group.
I do not understand why anyone would want to leave the comfort of their homes to pretend that you're going to a "life-saving" meeting. It's so stupid.
If you don't go to the meetings three or five (whatever, just because they make two hours worth of boring stuff in one sitting does not mean they are separate meetings - you are expected to sit through all of the coma-inducing excitement) times a week, you will not fall for the crap for very long. Eventually you will start to think for yourself and realize you have been fed a lot of BS. So they have to implore you to plug into the lifesaving meetings to recharge or whatever, so that they can keep you under their power. But, of course, you already know this, minimus.