My friends...
you are misguided. I do not mean to attack you, But i have a vew issues i would like to discuss.
first off...
witnesses the bible says that man cannot even comprehend heaven... How would anyone know that 144,000 people will live in heaven when the old testament says in the first book genesis and got parted the waters from the world and the heaven so earths population is almost 4 billion people... how is only 144,000 people... or as i guess 144000 godlike beings going to inhabit a world as big as that ... which brings me to the next point 144000 godlike beings f they are godlike then there are 144,001 gods which is polytheistic. and for those who would like to argue about that... i ask you how many gods are there you will say 1 and you are probably wanting to come at me and say well why are you sayng that you hipocrit you have the 3 gods the father, the son , and the holy spirit ... well jesus said "i say to you, before abraham was born, i am". "i am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" the father the son and the holy spirit... 3 as 1, no not three but 1 being. you all have a false religion and that my friend is very bad. and i feel sorry for you who cant realize the truth.