Some JWs are so busy being JWs, they have forgotten how to be Christians. The WTs obsession with hours has led to the sick, elderly and depressed receiving rare visits because the time can't be counted. If the WT allowed the time to be counted - I wonder how many visits these ones would suddenly start receiving?
Too busy being JWs to be Christians!!
by strawberry cake 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
While I am just as upset as you, I do understand how easy it was to make us too
busy to be concerned for the welfare of others."The only real solution is God's kingdom, not any of these temporary solutions."
"You are busy in the Lord's work."Ray Franz mentioned how he and others tried to make that change that
good works (or Godly works or some such term) included acts of kindness. They
knew they would sell less literature if the WTS allowed that, so no dice. -
You nutshelled it !
the essential reason i quit going in FS- i felt pain in my heart. I would not be party to them deceiving and hurting another person. it was a one person strike. I quit fs years before i quit going to the meetings.
they" strain at a gnat and swallow a camel". unfortunately a lot of religion is similar.
Commentary on James is excellent. The society twists it to their way of thinking rather than what is written, take car eof orphans and widows, needy ......... Yea in thier mind the only way to be a Christian is to turn in that field service slip with at least 10 hours of service time.
While I am just as upset as you, I do understand how easy it was to make us too
busy to be concerned for the welfare of others.Don't forget it is very liberal commie to think of others especially the poor and outcasts in this day.
Remember helping those that can't help themselves is the first step to socialism very bad, then communism very evil,
You must not worry about others and help yourself using capitalism good, or greed OK
A lot of religions are exactly the same - even the christians, they busy going to church and worshiping and singing and and and, they get caught up in the affairs of the church and forget what it's like to show love to someone that you don't know, someone less fortunate....Kind people are very rare these days.
If anyone knows of a kind single man - let me know. I want a kind man - all else follows.
That's exactly what I realized before I left: The Society keeps its dubs way too busy to actually practice true Christianity (not that I am totally clear on what that is).
And this is clearly by design. They are not about being "Christians." They are about standing out as different from "other Christians" (or, as they view it, the fake ones).
In this, they are not unlike some other fundamental sects. But this is very different from what some churches teach today, as I am finding out on my spiritual journey.
The JW organisation is an impressive one. Imagine the good they could do if they refocused their efforts. Think of all the orphanages they could build based around the quick build procedures. Think of the poor people they could help if they each spent 10 hours a month working in soup kitchens, or visiting the elderly, or other needy people instead of doing Field Service. The message of peace they could promote and publicise if they really did take an anti-war position, instead of their 'conscientious objector' rubbish.
Instead, they waste their time delivering magazines nobody reads, and somehow convince themselves this is better than feeding the poor, sheltering the homeless, helping the sick, and promoting peace.
It's the greatest travesty of their Organisation. Such a shame. -
they are a cult that worships JEHOVAH...... and completely IGNORES Jesus unless its to show how he did something JEHOVAH told him to do. Being a CULT they really worship the Governing Body who claim that Jehovah whispers to them what to do....... and NO ONE ELSE.
the fact they are a cult is obvious since they only care for their own and those they can sucker into joining.
its a damn shame because most of the good churches i have attended have some sort of ministry devoted to helping those down on their luck or in prision....... or ophans.......... or just needy. some would say they only do this during the holidays but thats just not the case. many go and minister to homeless people and take something they can use, some food vouchers or a pair of clean socks or a coat.
the witnesses could do a great deal of good if the GB werent focused upon themselves and their bulls***. they claim that its more important to focuse on peoples spiritual state than their mental or physical state........... what if they starve to death before they hear about jehovah????? well the JW says......... at least now in death they will have a chance at a resurrection............. WTF................ show some kindness and compassion and you would get someone who MIGHT come to christ and change the world for the better.