Let me see if I got this right. If the elders ask a publisher if he thinks the society should change the blood policy or any policy and he admits that he thinks that something should be changed, then he can be disfellowshipped for apostasy. However, it appears that the governing body periodically votes on proposed policy changes and a 2/3 majority is needed to make a change. This means that governing body members often openly admit that they disagree with some official policies. Sometimes, there is a majority that falls short of 2/3. Wouldn't this make them apostates according to their own definition? It seems likely that every GB member is guilty of apostasy and could be disfellowshipped if it wasn't for his position. It would be nice if the elders would keep this in mind when they deal with publishers.
How many apostates are in the governing body?
by DT 10 Replies latest jw friends
All of them, as they have deviated from the truth.
Must obey!
What a brilliant thought DT! I never quite thought of it like that but you make a very simple but profound point: If the GB can be disunited on some teaching or policy, then why can't the rank & file? Why should the GB get special treatment when they admit that the anointed do not have any more holy spirit or spiritual insight than many members of the great crowd!!!! This is undoubtedly why the GB are so secretive about their decision making processes.
Excellent, thank you.
If they're directed by holy spirit, shouldn't the decision always be unanimous?
(Acts 15:23-25) . . ."The apostles and the older men, brothers, to those brothers in Antioch and Syria and Ci·li´cia who are from the nations: Greetings! 24 Since we have heard that some from among us have caused YOU trouble with speeches, trying to subvert YOUR souls, although we did not give them any instructions, 25we have come to a unanimous accord and have favored choosing men to send to YOU together with our loved ones, Bar´na·bas and Paul,
If they could do it in the 1st centure, why doesn't it work in the 21st century?
Hmmm, maybe this isn't Gods organization after all...
Lore - W.W.S.D?
like duh ltco.......and just how do you get on the gb.............oompa
Good thought! If a member of the GB believed in something that disagreed with the "Truth" or policy at the moment, is he an apostate.
Wow, I'm going to use that.
Fred www.isnrblog.com
Very nice reasoning. From everyone I learn something everytime I come to this place Thanks.
All of them and i truly beleive they all know what they teach is a lot of crap but they are not willing to speak the truth and give up their earthly throne in Brooklyn.
You can't argue with logic like that! But on the other hand, has logic ever really meant anything to these guys?
It's like a told a girl that accused me of apostate thinking:
"The WTS is so apostate from what it used to teach, the whole bunch ought to be disfellowshipped!"
She had nothing to say.